WakefieldTrin Publish time 2-12-2019 23:16:27

Can Flashlights be interesting...

I reviewed this Flashlight last week, it blew my mind...

...and balls off after it turned on full blast in my pocket

John7 Publish time 2-12-2019 23:16:28

It's a "Torch" (in the UK) 

That is pretty insane though. I thought my 2000LM was bright!

WakefieldTrin Publish time 2-12-2019 23:16:29

Certainly is a Torch, I hate having to do my reviews as "Flashlight"
2000 lumens is going some, not even the E07 can sustain 2000 lumens, it drops to well below 1000 lumens after a few minutes continuous use.
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