DrDick Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:28

Cooling Solution for AV Cabinet - Fan controller with display and Probe

Hey Guys,

I am having a media cabinet designed with an alcove with an open front designed in it with 2x PC's being put in. The PC's are already built and have really good front to back cooling however My plan was to put some holes in the back top for 4x 140mm Noctua Fans and then blast all the Hot air out from the back with them.

I have been surprised at the lack of solutions available for something like this (to use your own fans anyway)

And have only managed to find The "Cooler Guys"

They sell some nifty looking stuff on Amazon:-

It all looks a bit 90's so was wondering if anyone had any experience with or knew anyone else who makes an independently powered unit or kit that can power 3pin/4pin PC fans, have a programmable probe and also a display to show temperature.. even as a bonus control PWM fans with varying speeds and not just turn them on and off like this gizmo!

thanks in advance for any assistance and xx <3 xx

ben16v Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:29

look up AC infinity 

DrDick Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:30

Looks flash! Thank you, hopefully I can find a UK vendor.. have you used these before? know if they are quiet.

@llan Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:31

I have the AC Infinity kit (single fan) in my lounge TV unit to cool a Denon AV amp. The controller works well and you have a number of options on the fan such as Auto, Smart and Manual.
The amp only has about 30mm above the case, With the probe mounted to the underside of the shelf above. I have the controller set to Auto speed 1 and it easily maintains a cabinet temp of 28 deg.

The only criticism I have is the fan noise is just a little too loud for a living room environment, even when it’s on its lowest speed. The fan has a slight hum/drone which is most noticeable. I might try a different fan to see if I just have a bad one.

ben16v Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:32

hey, i have a twin fan set up above my denon which pulls into the top level of my unit, which houses my sky, xbox1 and ps4 - then a triple on the back of my unit to pull all the hot air out, i set it at 30c off one controller and ll works fine o speed 1 or 2.it will get up to 3 but by then i cant hear anything with the volumes i run, as said above the fan does make some noise but im quite far from the unit and it doesnt bother me.
i bought all from amazon. also worth mentioning i had great customer service from ac infinity when i received a wrong product

@llan Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:33

The fan is only audible when the volumes are very low, however in a living room that’s quite often case. Overall a great bit of kit though.

@llan Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:34

Not a great pic, didn’t want the controller on view so made up a panel and mounted it out of sight.                                                                        https://www.avforums.com/attachments/fe88e5c0-86bf-4bf1-b086-e6d412d3fea1-jpeg.1076005/

DrDick Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:35

That looks smart, Thanks everyone.

I have ordered the T7 airplate and the S7 airplate to expand it to 4 fans. Hopefully that will be enough to push out any exhaust.

I ordered from Amazon.com but actually with delivery and import fees it works out cheaper than buying loads of parts and Noctuas etc. I didn't get charged Import fees on checkout but they were calculated at the cart so I guess I will get a call to pay them or something..

Harkon321 Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:35

Amazon UK used to supply AC Infinity gear but last few times I looked they had no stock.AC Infinity confirmed they would have in the future.I have a few of their fans and controller - see my sig.

DrDick Publish time 2-12-2019 23:22:36

All arrived and working fine.
Shame I'm stuck with an awkward 6v 2.0a power plug but I imagine a sturdy converter/adaptor will do the job 
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