andy1249 Publish time 2-12-2019 23:23:54

Unlikely to work , for the same reasons as trying to solder a newplug onto a cable.
You also break the symmetry of the twisted pairs doing this which are also critical.
Even if you get a connection, bandwidth of the cable will be drastically reduced and it will be unstable.

cosmicma Publish time 2-12-2019 23:23:54

didn't realise it's that critical but for the sake of a few minutes with a soldering iron i would be giving it a try you never know he might get lucky 

Harry Hendel Publish time 2-12-2019 23:23:54

To make it easier for future, run it under the carpet or in a spot easy to reach in the ceiling. I'd also buy Certified Premium HDMI cables that have outdoor certification, just to make sure it's durable.
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