Jedit Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:25

Whoops, my bad - I automatically assumed it was a trilogy, like the preceding two series.I'm waiting too, but for the paperbacks.

belksy Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:25

I got up to book 8 in the wheel of time series but can't remember why I put it down  I definitely need to pick it up again n someone bought the movie rights to it about a year or two ago so Hollywood might be butchering it soon T T

Ekso Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:25

... coz it got so slow and very boring?

I had to force myself through the last few, until the more recent ones. Momentum and stroyline now picking up good, and 1 more to go
Yippee !

BAN5HEE Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:26

1 but I think Silverthorn and Darkness at Sethanon are decent aswell.

richardb70 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:26

Good news for anyone waiting for George RR Martin's "A Dance With Dragons" - the publisher has lowered the Kindle ebook price to £11.99 (vs £12.50 for the hardback on Amazon).

kav Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:26

George R.R. Martin: An American Tolkien for a Jaded Age - TIME

Review for A Dance with Dragons - can't wait! //

Theydon Bois Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:26

Just about to finish a Game of Thrones and got dragged to Asda a few hours back to grab some shopping. Quite handy for me, as Asda are doing 3 for £10 on paperbacks, and they had vol 2,3 and 4.

A massive bargain, especially as I nearly bought them in Waterstones the other day (buy 2 get one free) which would have cost nearly double at £18. 

I will buy number one from Amazon (I didn't see it in Asda) later, but very happy with a massive wedge of books!

kav Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:27

A Dance With Dragons seems to be getting a bit of a pasting in customer reviews on Amazon:

A Dance With Dragons: Book 5 of A Song of Ice and Fire Song of Ice & Fire 5: George R. R. Martin: Books

Anyone read it yet? I am on Vol 7 of The Dark Tower series and after that intend to reread all the ASOIAF books before picking up ADWD.

vader100 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:27

A lot of those reviews are trashing A Feast For Crows as well which I found fascinating. People seem to think because there is not much hacking and slashing it's a bad book. I'll have time to read this soon and make my own mind up.

mikeycubed Publish time 25-11-2019 04:30:27


I finished it last week and I posted on the 'What book are you reading' thread that it didn't grab me as much as the earlier books but that I still enjoyed it. I still think that to an extent but I may have been a tad harsh. I think GRRM has taken the opportunity to set all the characters in to place for the final phase of the story. I can't wait for the next one and he better not take as long this time 

Edit: How have you enjoyed The Dark Tower? Think Wizard and Glass is one of my all time favourite books.
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