IanW Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:38

Book, what is a book? 

Seriously I do not have enough time to fit in any of my other passions, let alone read a book.I have to say though that is really is a sad state of affairs, and I do miss reading. 

If you are into fantasy books, I highly recommend "The Magician" or anything else by Raymond E. Feist.Also recommend anything by David Eddings or Terry Brooks.


Billo Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:38

I don't want to spoil it for you but, those accountants near the beginning end up at the Zoological Gardens

Davieboy00 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:38

Reading The Man In The High Castle by Philip K. Dick - again.
This is about the 12th time.
Wish they would make more of Dick's books like this one into films rather than bastardising short stories and novels into the utter ***** that Hollywood ends up making of them.
Screamers , Total Recall , Minority Report - utter crap.
A Scanner Darkly - passably strange.
Blade Runner - all time classic but bears no resemblence to the book.
Sorry for the rant.
Please continue.

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:38

War Without Garlands - by Robert Kershaw.

It's an overview of Hitler’s invasion of Russia starting from before the invasion and finishing at them being halted outside Moscow.

The title comes from the Germans term for the campaign as they received no victory parades or flowers.

wormvortex Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:38

Reading Necroscope at the moment, though it's been about 3weeks since I've last read it.

Dony Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:39

ahem....not that old chesnut again. 

(only joking btw, too obvious though for me to resist....I'm shallow like that )

Idioteque Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:39

Reading heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad, for a 2 hour discussion on monday!

tom_piano_man Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:39

Presently reading "Diogenes the Cynic", by Luis E Navia, and finding it very demanding.
Not recommended for anyone without a major in Philosophy.

tom_piano_man Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:39

Recently read:
Utilitarianism - J.S. Mill
On Liberty - J.S. Mill
Meditations - Rene Descartes
Causing death and saving lives - Jonathan Glover

Reading right now:
Intermediate microeconomics - Hal Varian
The Nature of Mind - David Rosenthal

Oh how my life is soooo interesting....

bjd Publish time 25-11-2019 04:50:40

What do you think of Impostor, Paycheck andConfessions d'un Barjo?

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