GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:43

Thanks bilbo!Actually, I've got good news for you (and further disappointment for those who were looking for a crumb of comfort for the fact that I've bought this fantastic amp! ).The amp, like the HD500x, has a Master volume control which purely reduces the final output volume without affecting anything like the drive.Therefore you can actually play it at (very) low volumes while keeping a nice distorted sound.

I hadn't realised it before but I read through the (short) manuals today while we were hanging around at the dog show (yes, believe it!), and I saw it in there.I just tried it out, using the most distorted of the four suggested settings, and it works perfectly.

So you get it all - great sounds at neighbour-, wife- and dog-friendly volumes (although the dog actually likes putting the volume up and having a blast, as you can see!).And, if you happen to be a glazier, enough power to put it in the middle of the road and shatter every single window within 500 yards! *

* That may have been a slight exaggeration!

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:43

Looks like it's back on then.Fantastic news.When I read earlier that the low output mode still banged out 10 watts I was thinking that my Blackstar was only 5 watts, and that was way too loud.Can't wait to give one a blast.I'll see if GuitarGuitar can do me a deal, if not, then it's mail-order time from GAK 

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:44

Will you be able to go and hear it in a shop somewhere?I do recommend doing that so that you can compare it with other amps, even though I'm certain that you wouldn't be disappointed if you do buy it without.Plus you might come across something that's even better, and make me feel like a wally! 

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:44

With the Blackstar, you did turn up the gain, then reduce the master volume like I mentioned above?

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:44

Having seen a few demos for the ID, it seems very versatile, and, judging by the reviews, gets about as close to a valve amp as a solid-state can.But without having to be driven hard like a valve amp to find the "sweet spot".The whole deal just kind of appeals.Or did did until Joakey just broke the good news 

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:44

A Marshall will sound better doing Marshall, A Fender will sound better, a Mesa will sound better doing Boogie! but they will only do THEIR sound. This is very good at all four

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:44

GuitarGuitar have them in stock, so I shall make that my first port of call.

Yes, that was the only way to obtain sounds from it on the dirty side.Gain first, then quell the volume 

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:45

I think all tube amps, certainly those I've tried, all have a Master Volume after the Gain? Even my solid state Vypyr did.

The disadvantage is that with powerful amps, and I include my 5 watt Blackstar, the master volume knob doesn't have a lot of travel. It would be nice to be able to give it a considerable turn rather than eek it a bit

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:45

I did find, when having a multi-effects in front of it, you can turn the final volume down in the effects before entry to the HT5. But if effects had distortion, it was into clean channel anyway, so volume was not a problem.

bilbosmeggins Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:45

I realise that they can all be turned down.It just always seems, to me at least, that the nature of the sound tends to get diluted somewhat as the volume diminishes.It's hard to determine whether or not it's an actual deterioration of tone or whether it is just down to the volume.Music never sounds good in the car if you turn things down.Is that because the speakers aren't being driven, or because the ears prefer a higher volume?I'm sure there must have been scientific tests conducted over the years, but I'm buggered if I know, lol.Anyhow…... A date with GuitatGuitar needs booking 
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