Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:32

Must admit I was expecting an all day job, with no decision until much later. Something must have really impressed early on 

RobbySpurs Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:33

It was the number one feature on my list!!!

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:33

Yes, it was relatively quick.In fact, there are only two shops that were worth visiting, and one of those was a huge disappointment (Piens Music Planet).It used to be the biggest music shop in Belgium, and I went there first partly because they don't show prices on their website so I wanted to check them out before going to the other one (Key Music), where it was more of a known quantity.When I got to Piens, though, I was very disappointed.It's not that big a store, and although they had a nice selection of guitars which I had a little browse around, they had very little in the way of amps and most of that was brands that I'd never heard of.They seem to be selling cheap copycat brands rather than the real things.Also, none of the staff showed the slightest interest in me, so after a few minutes I decided to move on.

I skipped the other little shop in Ghent where I bought my guitar because I know they don't carry a lot of different amps, and went on to Key Music.Now, that is a real music shop!It's huge inside, the biggest music shop in Benelux, they said, and they have a great selection.They have loads of guitars, including a whole "custom shop" area with some lovely, very expensive ones.But I wasn't there to gawk at guitars, I was there for the amps.

They have a good selection of amps too.They had most of the Line 6 range (not the Spider Jam, which was on my list, but they do have the Spider IV which is the same amp without some of the extra features like backing tracks).They didn't have the Fender Super Champ in stock, but the guy knew it and said that it's a great little amp with a big sound, although it doesn't have much in the way of features.They do have the Peavey Vypyr VIP amps, but not the Vox VT40- apparently there's a shortage of those on the market and they don't expect them before the end of the year.

The sales guy also showed me a very nice Blackstar amp, the ID60, which has quite a few models and sounded very good.Definitely recommended for an audition if anybody else is reading this for tips on amps.In fact, if I hadn't been rather blinded by what I ended up buying, that probably would have been my choice.

The sales guy quickly realised that it would be better for him to demonstrate the amps, and he played the Blackstar and then played a bit on the Line 6 DT25.As he said, the tube sound really does make a difference, and the DT25 sounded great.He then played the Spider IV and the Peavey Vypyr VIP, and although they sound good, there's an immediacy to the sound from the tube amp that the digital ones don't seem to reproduce.It's hard to describe, but when I heard the DT25 it sounded like the real thing, whereas the others sounded a bit....distant.

They also had the Pod pedal boards on display next to the amps.They weren't connected into an amp, but they had headphones, and so I played around with the HD500X for a while, just trying out some of the preset sounds.They are staggering - the range is huge, and there are even some really way-out effects in there.I seriously contemplated just buying the HD500X, because for home use, if you want to play with headphones, that's really all you would need.

I also asked about the Variax guitars, and whether it the amp & pod really needed to be used together with one of them.He said not at all, and that although the Variax is a well made guitar, he himself doesn't like guitars with active electronics.They had them all on display, but I wasn't there to fiddle with guitars (you could spend days in there playing with everything they have in stock!) so I left them on the wall.

I asked for the price of the Pod, and if they could do me a good price on both the pod and the amp.They didn't reduce the price but they offered a free gig bag for the Pod which normally costs 90 euros (I was quite shocked when I saw that price!).

By now, the result should be obvious.I bought the DT25 and the HD500X, and they are currently sitting in front of me waiting to be set up.I'm off to do that now, and I will report back later on the results! 

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:33


Very, very jealous right now 

RobbySpurs Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:33

Lucky so and so. Very nice and enjoy it. Some pics when you get a mo please

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:34

Congrats! It's amazing, half a dozen of us have a third of the Dream Rig, and you now have two thirds!
I've read you need to make sure Amp and Cabinet simulation is turned off when using the 500X to control the DT25, it then sets everything on the DT25 automatically although the actual switches on the DT25 don't move!

Has your DT25, a cardboard recommended settings sheet (for adjusting manually as a standalone amp)?
I've looked all over net and cant find a picture.

GloopyJon Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:34

I've had a go with my new toys, and the sound is absolutely incredible!It's utterly awe-inspiring - I went through (I think) all of the preset sounds on the HD500X, without messing around with the settings, and they all sound epic.There are some really weird synthy sounds as well as some real classic crunchy sounds, and they all come out of the amp like a ton of bricks - and that's on the low volume setting!

I also tried the amp itself, without the pod, and using the suggested settings on the cardboard cut-out (picture below, as requested!).The amp on its own sounds fabulous, but obviously doesn't have all of the effects and presets that are on the pod.

I've barely scratched the surface of this equipment - I need to have a look at the manuals and try to understand how to play with the configuration.It's safe to say that it's worth every penny of the 1200 euros that they cost me.Even just playing around with the little bits of various songs that I can play it sounds worthy of being on stage in front of thousands of adoring and soon-to-be-naked female fans! 

Pictures below of the top of the amp, and of my new main set of equipment, i.e. the Fender and my pod   amp.I'll try it with my other guitar later on - I'm curious to see how different it sounds.



Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:34

Great setup you've got there now 

I downloaded the HD500 manual a little while ago, looked like you needed a degree in something complicated to understand 

Sounds like with even just the presets it's great and then of course there'll be other peoples you can use, before you even start to work out how to do your own.

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:34

Smashing. So with that inlay, without knowing anything about Triodes, Pentodes, Class A/B etc, you can go straight in and get Class A Chime - Vox?, High Gain - Mesa, American Clean - Fender & British Crunch - Marshall?Pretty cool.

AndrewH13 Publish time 25-11-2019 21:34:34

Better put those nice pics in the Learning.. Equipment thread so they stick. Want to look at them!
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