Over by there Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:42

Not quite, un written rule? Some have stood against him.

But the benefits (wages etc.) he is on now, and future prospects (Lord or whatever), I doubt he cares.

I really have no idea as the shenanigans going on here and I bet all the other parties have now been delving the historic rulings to see where they can gain from this, including the leavers and remainers and purely to further their aims, and see where they can be tripped up. If they are not looking into it then they are fools.

Thing is, once this is out the bag then others go digging. This has to be calculated or he is a dim wit for letting the cat out the bag. Time will tell.

springtide Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:43

Maybe they know more than you?

‘She’ll be FINISHED’ - ERG issues stark WARNING to Theresa May over Brexit delay

Ste7en Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:43

Bercow has done the right thing. It has been voted against twice now. You can't keep trotting it out week after week and hope for a different result. May is delusional.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:43

I half agree.I agree the unhappiness and division won't go away.However, I think that the unhappiness and legitimate issues of Leave voters is not a problem with the EU.It's a problem with huge areas of the UK left behind by globalisation in a country divided by massive wealth inequality.   The anger against the EU was manufactured for right wing opportunists and media to weaponize it and target it against the thing (EU) stopping them getting richer.   

Leaving the EU will not fix these issues, but voting for candidates who run on these values can.

Over by there Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:44

Caught a tagline on news 24 (BBC) that some French minister now thinks a no deal is quite possible?

Sodding BBC adverts kicked in. Not sure the source.

Goooner Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:44

Maybe it's an unwritten rule then? I know that since he's been speaker a colleague of mine who lives in his constituency and he can't vote because there's nobody to vote for.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:44

A faction that is known for hard ideology, lack of reason, and an unwillingness to compromise their fantasy vision of 1950s Britain 2.0.

Literally the last group of people anybody should try to appease.    They just stand firm, moving the government further right toward them, away from the majority of parliament and the moderate UK population majority.

Massive misjudgement.

Over by there Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:44

Looking at the voting for Buckingham, there is not a lot of choice with Labout=r keeping to principle but there have been people standing against him, he stands as "The Speaker" I think. Agree with your colleague though,
Buckingham (UK Parliament constituency) - Wikipedia
Looks a safe seat anyway.

Sonic67 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:45

Employment is now highest since records began.

BBC News - UK employment at highest since 1971
UK employment at highest since 1971

Over by there Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:45

Listening to some pundits saying May has been outfoxed by Bercow as if it was some coup, Bercow, right.... hold my beer...

They seem to be forgetting the whole media and punditry organisation has been bamboozled as well.
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