blackrod Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:50

Oliver Norgrove on LBC a few minutes ago was an interesting listen.

IronGiant Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:50

Any nuggets of info for those that missed it?

Dancook Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:51

It was brought up in the house of commons, and he answered.

It is not his car, it is his wife's car and he is not going to tell her what she can and cannot do - or something similar.

Over by there Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:51

Yep. But I don't buy it. He knows when the paps are around. He can cover up.

Dog ate his homework.

Rasczak Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:51

Thank you to everyone who voted in the poll, its an interesting snapshot at this precise moment in time.

Discounting those who voted 'not bothered', as that's not really relevant, it is interesting to see about two-thirds prefer delay to May's deal. Given Bercow's recent decision, Parliament will not get a vote before the summit later this week so it has effectively forced the PM to ask for the option of a 'long delay'.So it seems the majority are, for now, getting what they are content (I won't say happy) with.

Of course all will change again in the next week or so as new factors come into play, i.e. whatever extension May gets, any potential break clause in that extension, a revitalised 'meaningful vote 3' etc.

All still to play for?

blackrod Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:51

LBC have uploaded the video to Youtube:

Greg Hook Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:51

What I find interesting is the people that say we should no deal and leave, so we can then negotiate a load of complex trade deals that benefit us.

Given that this useless Government haven't been able to organise a piss up in a brewery over the last two years, what confidence do you have that they will in any way be able to negotiate any trade deals at all?

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:51

GDP did not drop by 0.4%. It grew by 0.2%. And that's after taking inflation into account.

SteakAndCake Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:52


Remainers didn't know what they were voting for.

How many times did we say there is no such thing as the status quo?

weaviemx5 Publish time 25-11-2019 22:18:52

I don't have any problem with his vision for the EU.I think that tighter integration is essential to solve the truly global problems of our time.
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