EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:12

Photoshop is a useful tool when used correctly, but can look daft in an hands of an amateur.


Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:12

Now now, Bungle, you know very well Zippy and George and all their friends get far to excitable. No more of those shaped rose tilted window stories, remember what the nice Mr Leveson talked about.

Reminds me-
“You are mistaken, Mr. Darce, if you suppose that the mode of your declaration affected me in any other way, than as it spared the concern which I might have felt in refusing you, had you behaved in a more gentle manlike manner."Jane Austen,

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:13

Looks like things didn't work out ...
Gove 'to stand for Tory leadership' - BBC News

rustybin Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:13

I'm emigrating if he's PM. There, I've said it.

FireCrackerJim Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:13

Looks Like Gove is stabbing Bozo in the back that ****in rat

kbfern Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:14

Sounds more like bozo stabbing Gove in the back to me.

Gove would be my favoured candidate.

rustybin Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:15

They're all a bunch of snakes. Someone dust off the gallows, we need a good clear out.

The Queen as interim leader until the dust settles.

rustybin Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:16

As a lifelong Conservative myself, what on God's green earth has Gove done over the last 6 years to suggest he's capable of running a corner shop, yet alone the country?

kbfern Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:17

His performance over the brexit campaign has been measured & statesman like so I can see him doing a good job.

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 03:20:17

His performance as Education Secretary was disastrous, so I can see him fudgeing up the country with his vile and nasty wife having a huge influence.
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