IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:06

Ah yes, Matthew Parris the infamous composer of the "Parris Letter"

Tory knobhead springs to mind 

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:07

A fair non-discriminatory description.

apolloa Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:08

I vote Boris, he has far more balls then weakling selling us down the river to international corporations, Cameron.
If Osborne gets in I'm moving out the UK!

With any luck we'll vote to leave the EU and Cameron will be kicked out, hmm maybe a lot of luck.

I think this government is definitely right up there with the worst we've had.

raduv1 Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:08

I find it generally scary and very amusing that come the next election my choices might come down to .......

Or that

hmmm if anything the live debates should be amusing.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:09

After yesterday boogey man speech,slap down for Cameron and Osbourne £4300 story, however, welcome to the Tory leadership campaign Mr Gove or should that be Murdoch.

domtheone Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:10



Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:11

If we pull out of the EU, I think it is highly probable that Cameron might choose to bow out early.
He has already indicated he doesn't want to stand again and the thought of disentangling our country from Brussels might be too much for him- personally.

tapzilla2k Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:12

It's been said Cameron wants to build a legacy and then choose his departure date.
What might be too much for Cameron would be attempting to keep the Tory Party unified while attempting negotiations with the EU (some of the usual suspect Tories have said Cameron should have no role in those negotiations). If you think the Germans (Merkel) are annoyed by the internal spats of the Tory Party, you ain't seen nothing yet. We've got all the ingredients for high political drama no matter which way the vote goes. What will be interesting is if the two different wings of the Conservative party can remain in their political marriage or will they head for splitsville. It's happened before over the 200 or so years of the party. It will take a leader with a lot of skill and smooth talking to avoid that one. But it's probably not Cameron as he seems to have alienated much of his backbenchers. I don't believe the MP's are all behind Boris, which further complicates matters. Anyway I doubt we'll see 20 or more Tory MP's crossing the floor to sit on the opposition benches as a new independent party or join UKIP, if that happens yowza time.

Cameron might not be seeking a third term in office, but he's apparently not standing down as an MP at the next election. So either way he'll be around, most likely on the backbenches.

Enki Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:13

So the biggest act of democracy the people of the UK have been involved, is now overshadowed and put on hold by a Tory leader campaign. You could not make it up!

krish Publish time 26-11-2019 03:19:13

Not at all, it was the right thing to do, and the leaving process has to be done right, not a rush job
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