Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:30

The issue, is whether a private situation eg care for elderly parents, should be the burden of the family privately or whether this responsibility should be a public cost, or indeed should it be shared, both a private and a public cost.. There will never be a solution especially from the government that will satisfy all criteria, it's impossible.. Private vs public cost and public vs private resources is one of many dilemmas that a government has to manage.. The NHS is another, public resources tend to be overused and abused and then they either become extinct or run out of money..

Then, you always get the view, that somehow that it's the Tories after the poor's money, except the poor don't have any money, your legacy, hide, hide.. Sorry, that's bollox, wherever there is a need, a private company will provide a service that has to be paid for, nothing to do with the rich pillaging the poor, you can either afford the service or you cannot..

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:30

By all means people should have to pay something towards the cost, be it via a new tax or a sliding scale otherwise it will never be properly funded.

Its the no cap i take issue with.

Have a relative that spends 5 years with home care than 10 in residential and you would be looking at a bill of at least £525,000 if not higher.

If your plan is to help your kids out when you die onto the hosing ladder etc, thats now gone.

Set the cap at 200k or so, make it sliding 50k, 100k etc. But put a cap on it.

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:30

You can't cap private enterprise, takes away the raison d'etre.. My parents looked after both grandparents at great cost in time and energy to themselves, my mum was working and my dad was also working handling multiple multi million pound contracts then driving over to see to his mum and dad.. Its not easy..

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:30

Should we be putting a cap on how long people are allowed to live for after they retire?
I'm not sure I like the idea of putting upper limits on anything relating to old age social care.

The Tory policy is clearly aimed at ensuring that the most vulnerable don't end up penniless, at the expense of the better off paying more towards their care.
Even poor people like the idea of looking after their kids/grandkids after they've passed away. Leaving an inheritance shouldn't be a middle class privilege.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:30

Aren't you doing the same with this new plan? Hurry up and die grandma or their will be nothing left. Horrible thing to say, but people will still think it 

Its not, its working class as well.
Someone living in London/Edinburgh/etc might have little money but their house could easily be worth a lot that they plan to leave to their kids etc, this policy robs them off that.

Labour remembers when the torys promised to increase the inheritance threshold, that was as popular with the working class as middle etc.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:30

Not saying that you do, only that you do the same as the Sir Michael report. Cap the amount any individual pays and the state picks up the rest, it can still be handled by a private body if needed much as student loans are now.

Labour is right on this, a cross party solution is needed. Not a poorly thought out policy that hits the rich as well as the poor. Only people who win with this solution is the government and the private company that runs it.

Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:31

That wont happen because, student loans are investment in future human capital, care for the elderly doesn't have the same societal value. It's a private issue..The comparison is a fallacy.

Pacifico Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:31

I'm sure that everyone that goes into Nursing homes would rather spend the money on something else, but the fact remains that the Nursing home needs to be paid for. There isnt a Human Right that your kids are entitled to your money and someone else should pick up the tab for any care you need. After all if your kids are so keen on this inheritance they are free to care for their parents rather than putting them in a home.

And at the end of this exercise the kids still get £100k.

EarthRod Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:31

That already exists, it's called nature.

Besides which some successful people retire very early and others work until they drop.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:31

I think it's safe to say that we will never reach an agreement on this 

Thank goodness for elections and the right to vote on the party that best represents you 

There fun to bet on to! 
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