Ruperts slippers Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:32

I have a theory once the war and baby boomer generation are gone, people will die sooner again. The decadence of the 60,70,80 generation will have a cost.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:32

It's a difficult one for sure.
My mother needed home visits and it was not free. The council gave us 6 weeks or so to find an agency. They did the usual 15m visits.(Not satisfactory because the carers kept changing so mum was in effect letting in strangers to cook her meals) .Later on we needed council people to help with washing etc. And we were looking at a Home, which would have been private. The state ones were rare and in all honesty, not very satisfactory, especiallywhen dementia is part of the equation. Sadly it didn't come to that, but we were on course to deplete our inheritance to look after her. I see this as way to at least leave something behind- which she would have wanted- more than me.

Anyway, I do believe the media has reported this in a sketchy way, and a sensational way. By calling it a death tax. If Mrs May loses the election it could be because of this.

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:32

You're getting confused, 'hurry up and die grandma' is the current situation.

The new Tory policy is the exact opposite, 100k in assets is untouchable which means poorer people will still be able to leave their home to their children.

If this policy was in the Labour manifesto people would be singing Jeremy's praises, but in the Tory manifesto it's a 'death tax' because of, you know, student loans an all that.. 

The Dude Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:32

What is the age cap that nature sets on life after retirement Alan? 

5 years, 25 years, 40 years?

Most successful people retire early, and many more 'others' work until they drop.

Under the new Tory policy the former's estate will be expected to pay towards their health care costs, the latter will not, or at least not to the same degree.

I don't see this as being any more 'unfair' than having a tax free allowance for income tax, which obviously benefits people on low incomes more than it does high earners.

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:32

I don't see what the problem is with this policy? If you have to care for your parents it will end up being costly anyway. Unless of course your parents have no savings and say a rented house- then the state will pick up the bill. But the way things stand at the moment the council will ask you to pay for carers and a home if it comes to that. Your parents savings and equity release on the house could be completely spent. This way they are saying at least 100k is left, as opposed to nothing left as is the case now.
What is wrong with that?

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:33

Oh. Unless you are thinking of keeping the house for your own inheritance and throwing your mum into a council run home. But I hope that's not the case.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:33

Apart from the fact that your value of your home is not included at the moment with home care costs only residential, the new policy changes that.

Remove that clause and i would be praising the policy, with it and i'm against

Cliff Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:33

I hope Mrs May can address the points that you and others have raised and make adjustments before the election. It would be a catastrophe if Corbyn became PM because of this. He has made it to Leader of the opposition by many £3 memberships by mistake so knowing his staying power it could just happen.

Cocksure Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:33

She can't, if she did then she could no longer campaign on a strong and stable government.

This could have been a really good policy, either including hospital costs with home care or drop the home care bit. Both would have been fair. But to make it so as you are better to get cancer over dementia.....

Price of a rushed election

kbfern Publish time 26-11-2019 03:24:34

This policy is far fairer than it is being painted, folks need to realise that the current system is untenable with more and more older folk needing either home help or care home accommodation.

It will have to be paid for one way or the other so either accept this system or something similar or expect a big rise in basic income tax or Ni to cover it.

As far as voting is concerned if you were voting Tory and on the strength of this are now changing to Labour be very afraid of the consequences as I DON'T trust Corbyn/McDonnellAbbott and the rest of his rag tag bunch to make anything other than a disaster of any Brexit negotiations and will run the country into the ground over the next five years.

I am not saying the Tories are perfect but they are the best we have right now,
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