walters123 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:32

What best machines to use for fat burning. Spent 40min on the bike but feel I need to beast myself harder

kav Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:33

In my experience you don't necessarily need to use machines. Things like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, anything that uses big muscle groups will build your muscle and in turn make your body more efficient at burning fat. The simplest routines are often the best - one of my favourites is kettle bells as they cover both cardio and resistance training in one. Fifteen minutes of kbs will exhaust you more than three hours of pootling along on a bike.

All of the above of course along with eating properly, which is the most important thing. 

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:34

Squat, deadlift, military press, bench and pull ups, with prowler sprints to finish every session.

starfarer Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:36

4 stone or 4 kg? In stone, that looks almost impossible in 6 months leading a normal life no matter what you do. Out of interest, how much do you weigh now? Your goal is 30% of my current body wt 

walters123 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:37

Sorry my mistake I need about 2.5st off

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:38

just saw this video and looks interesting... tho, my only concerns are about the amount of energy levels if you're still going to the gym (tho, I don't need to do the juicing myself  )

IL Cattivo Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:38

Been a gym rat myself years back but now tend to work out at home. More recently, at age 40 now, I’m finding it harder to shift that body fat. This is an all too common problem for people approaching my age as the body starts to change somewhat.

I have been pretty well built these past few years (Posted a pic of myself in one thread on here approx 3 years ago @ age 37), with plenty of muscle mass, however there has always been that annoying layer of fat across the gut accompanied by those unsightly love handles.

It's only since the beginning of this year that my eyes have opened up to the reasons why.

1. My strength weight workouts were isolated, casual, and thus were not providing my body with enough stimulation to burn body fat.

2. I would attempt to go out running for far too long...

3. I was not eating the right balance of foods in conjunction with a proper exercise regime.

So in the New Year I started to do a bit of research into the goals I wanted to achieve.

This year I wanted to tone down the muscle mass a little bit, not too much though, while also getting rid of the excess body fat I was carrying. It was pretty apparent that what I was doing before this year (2015) wasn't going to help me achieve this so here are the changes I made which I've found have been working for me on many different levels..

1. Instead of isolated weight workouts with long rest times between sets, I now do high intensity combination weight workouts with very little to no rest in-between sets. I bunch a group of different exercises up into rounds and repeat for 5-6 rounds with only very little rest (say 30 secs) between each round.So, instead of my previous weights workouts lasting 1 hour , they now only last 20-25mins and I get a darn good sweat on at the same time which I didn't get previously.

2. I changed my cardio regime to be more interval intense based as appose to long and monotonous. Instead of running at the same pace for 45-60mins or 5-6miles, I now warm up for 10mins with a light jog and then every 30 secs sprint at 80% then walk briskly for 30sec and repeat 20-22 times.I love it...

3. I now eat a VERY LOW carb, HIGH protein, MEDIUM Fat diet. I now cut carbs down to an absolute minimum 6 days a week along with sugar. Sugar and starchy foods are not good for achieving what I want, so for 6 days during the week they're gone. Since the beginning of this year I've no longer eaten any kind of cereal (bar porridge oats), bread, white pasta and potatoes. I avoid sweet things like the plague. I now only stick to foods with a decent fibre content and as fresher produce as possible. If it's processed or in the form of a ready meal, it isn’t going inside me...

So far, after only 5 weeks, I am seeing some exceptional results with this change in my diet and workout regime. I feel so much better, lighter on my feet, healthier in general and finding my endurance when participating in sporting activities is improving each and every week. I am also seeing some tone and definition coming through as the fat is starting to regress.

btw... Life's too short, so that 7th day.... Well, I eat what the hell I like.

cjx Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:38

Liked just for that last line.

shodan Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:38

Great post Cattivo. Don't suppose you could do that for me could you? I just can't be arsed...

reiteration Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:38

mind, I'm kinda in the school of thought where (to an extent) I'm able to eat what I like because I train very hard... I do have a sweet tooth, but I do eat heathily overall... seldom eat processed foods...

was watching some tv program the other night about overweight people - and some woman was maoning becasue she never got homr until 6:30 at night and she couldn't be bothered to cook...wth..?!? pure laziness...

4 nights out of 5 (weekday) I'm not back until just before 8 with gym etc... and have fresh;y cooked meals and I'm full of energy... no wonder she's the way she is 
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