wookielover Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

The only ones that work are the ones that you inject and have the word "testosterone" on the vial. Either that or medicine that is only available via prescription and for good reason. Any thyroid modifiers are best avoided

njdbaxter Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

maxi thermabol is crap, only gives you more energy.First week found it hard to sleep, seemed more alert and bit more energy.Second week back to sleeping as normal and feeling normal, and was taking 3 a day.Probably lost 5-7 kilo in the 4 weeks i was taking them, but i put this down to the cardio i started doing and the diet of mainly fruit, chicken, eggs and oats

njdbaxter Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

been having shoulder instability problems, possibly rotator cuff since November.waiting on hospital appointment since referrel in November.

Going to the Philippines for all of June so am trying is tone down without lifting weights.

Just doing running at a hard steady pace for 40 mins, maybe 5-6 times a week.ab circuits 2-3 timesa week ( 5/6 exercises x 4 circuits) and 1-2 days a week i do squats, step ups and lunges.

mainly eating a lot of eggs, chicken, oats, fruit, snacking on nuts, peanut butter, salsa and ocassional bit of chocolate, and lost a stone in 4 weeks.was about 73kg now i weight around 65-67kg and am remaining there abouts.

so 4 stone in 6 months for the other guy wouldnt be that difficult in 6 months if you have a lot of excess weight to begin with and are focused and determined

Spacecat Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

IIFYM.com input stats
Hit macros for protein and fat.fill rest carbs or whatever
Maintain calorie deficit up to 20% of tdee

Lift weights/ workout full body 3d per week

Walk and be active at other times

Track calories effectively

Singhisking Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

No carbs after 6PM latest 8PM for dinner have protein and veg kale and spinach is great. Fat burners will help aid but its mainly diet and how hard you excercise.

lisaclio Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

Black alphas are suppose to be good. Like t5s but no side effects. There is no quick fix when it comes to loosing weight. I've been at the gym 4 weeks now and lost a stone. I've only cut out junk food and eat 3-4 meals a day and more fruit. Its different for everyone though.

Charlts Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:40

It's worth remembering that everything has side effects, that's why it's used.

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:41

Is there something magic about 6pm and 8pm?
I would not worry about the time you eat but about how much you eat over a given day. I regularly eat after 8pm including carbs and have a low fat content too. It is a fairly simple formula of eat less (and eat well) and do more activity. If you do more than you eat (no matter what time you eat it) then you will lose weight/fat.

Singhisking Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:41

Well I've been told your stomach shuts down after 8 so any carbs will be turned into fat.. But like he said it's really down to how your body works tbh trial and error is the main thing find a diet and routine that's good and stick to it if your seeing results. No one knows your body better then you what ive said has worked me and others.

PSM1 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:46:41

Your stomach will process the food the same both before and after 8pm. If your stomach shutdown it would not process anything. Complete and utter rubbish I am afraid. All not eating after a certain time does is limit the time you can eat so limit the amount you can eat. If you can control the amount you eat then no need to limit when you eat it. As I said virtually all my evening meals are well after 8pm so by that reckoning I should be pretty fat by now.
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