jdevil Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:38

KFC early summer, haven't been since then.

Just felt sick the next day and vomiting chicken & fries at 7am, worst feeling every!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

imightbewrong Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:38

I must say I am partial to the occasional McDs, BK, Subway.KFC now that is another matter 

Worst individual experience I had goes to a Chinese takeaway (Singapore noodles IIRC) from my old town.Had it after getting back from watching Lost in Translation at the cinema.Woke up at about 2AM feeling dodgy and, well, between that and the film, it is probably the wost night of my life so far 

Matt_C Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:39

That's nothing to do with fast food, but a problem with personal hygiene... 

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:40

Funniest one I was ever involved in was actually my team leader. We were working overtime one Saturday morning and he'd been out all night drinking. He has also had a grot-burger AND a kebab from van down the road.
He stank of drink and was complaining of a really dodgy stomach after the food. He disaappeared into the bog for about 20 minutes then came staggering out in a right mess.

Turns out he took a really bad dump but couldnt handle the smell . It was so bad it made him throw up whilst sat on the bog but he had to lean forward and puked straight into his pulled down pants and jeans :image/gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

I didnt see him the rest of the day 

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:41


I was so hammered I didnt even notice until I woke up

PJTX100 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:42

Never had any problems with fast food outlets except Subway.

Had a hot ham and turkey sub with all the trimmings once.

The standard orificial expulsions followed. But for some reason the onions and cucumber and the "salad trimmings" seemed to have the most lasting impression on me. No matter what I ate for a week later, if I burped the memory of that sub came flooding back.

Wouldn't touch one with a barge pole now. 

dazza74 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:42

I've had loads of stomach upsets while on holiday in America.I went to Vegas a few years back and it didn't seem to matter where I went to eat while there, could be McDonalds or a nice steak house I'd suffer with upset stomach.I reckon the stomach upsets I had might have been down to the high level of fat in the preparation of the food.Probably the worst pains I've experienced in my life if I'm honest the one's prior to a spot of pebble dashing the karsi 

Matt_C Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:43

I don't think I've ever had a problem with fast/junk food - fortunately, or unfortunately depending how you look at it I guess, I seem to have guts of steel for the most part and can handle most things (tho I do get the odd bout of "hmm, that's not quite right" now and again lol)

The one time I can think of was at an open air music festival one year in my teens. We consumed what's known as "the Donington Death Burger" in the afternoon and I was sick real bad towards the end of the evening. Almost made it home - got within a mile of the house and had no choice but to eject whatever was upsetting me orally. Got home to and ejected the remaining contents of my stomach, not orally this time haha...

I also got PROPERLY sick a few years ago, that had me off work and more or less incapacitated for two weeks straight, and that WASN'T nice. No vomitting, but awful diarreah, really bad gut pains and cramps, and bleeding from places men should never bleed from!  To this day still don't know what caused it; did take a "sample" to the docs but they lost it! In the mean time docs put me on antibiotics and had these AWFUL tasting powder sachets to drink with water, to replace salt and stuff in my blood I was losing, and it gradually went away on it's own...

Scary tho. Least I know what it feels like when a woman is on "her time" and I'll never dismiss them like I did before! 

shahedz Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:44

Have to say i love junk food , burgers, kebabs, McD's , burger king etc.

Haven't had a bad experience.....yet.

Matt_C Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:44

Me too  I work out on the road all day and places like macdonalds are the places I can easily get something from without having to worry about finding time to park etc. When I get home I'm only feeding me, so no a huge point in spending ages cooking something etc...

Burger King FTW lol
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