SparkShot Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:45

Don't think i've gone for than a week without having at least one for the past 3 years since a store opened locally.

can't beat a footlong steak and cheese with all the salad and southwest sause

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:45

not had a subway but why should it be low quality? I mean you can see everything in a butty

looks fine to me, not like they used cheap white bread


qwerty321 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:47

I had Steak and Cheese from Subway once. The steak had the texture of rubber although tasted OK. A friend had the same another time from the same branch but said it was OK.

Smudger14 Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:47

In my old job, I was always on the road. So lunch would either be a McDonalds, Burger King, KFC, Subway, etc. Sometimes we'd really treat ourselves and have a Pizza Hut. Did a lot of walking though with the job, so I'd always end up walking it off soon after.

Still doesn't beat having a caramel donught for breakfast for a whole month while working in a hospital 

I was in Newquay for a lads week about a year ago. I'd wake up about 12/1pm, and either head to the chippy across the road and have that as my 'breakfast', or head upto the town and have a Subway and a KFC. Italian BMT is my normal when I ever decide to have a Subway.

Mr Noble Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:48

Not fast food exactly ...well would not actually be classed as any part of the food group.

Had a wild party when i first moved in, Party was fantastic by the way 

Anyway next morning I wake up got a bit of a thirst on me as you do after a heavy drinking session.

First thought grab the milk and hop back into bed.

Some minging little tramp decided it would be amusing to stick a used fag end in the bottle (yeah I know I feel sick thinking about it now)

So anyway swallowed it and continued to have horrendous stomach pains for the next 3 days and everytime I burped I could taste the combo of tobacco and curdled milk .

That has to be the single most disgusting thing i have ever injested , seriously what kind of creep does that 

nonumb Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:49

A while back me and a few housemates went to mcdonalds and things got a bit excessive I had 2 chicken nugget meals with 2 student cheeseburgers and 2 double cheeseburgers on the side. Had another time at burger king where we had vouchers had 5 burgers 2 chips. It was quite funny at the time and I was certainly satisfied.

Just like to point out I'm not a massive fatty! BMI of 22, I am 6'4 though so plenty of me to feed, I'm also very active so burn it off quite easily.

Bad experiences:
- Had my first ever subway then about half an hour later had my only ever migraine, got into work and my vision started fading, at one point I couldn't see for about 30seconds. Got picked up from work and went straight to the doctors got some painkillers and got home. After about an hour of sitting in a dark room (was about 4pm) I fell asleep and slept for 16 hours. Had subway since and been fine but always a little put off.

- Had a sausage in batter and chips from a kebab shop in the middle of the day and got food poisoning had to get off the bus home to go to the toilet! The really stupid thing is I went again the next week and got food poisoning again (although not as bad). Still been there many times before and many times after and been fine.

Also had guinea pig in peru but that was fine. Tasted ok but nothing amazing.

Duncan G Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:50

Vegimite is for wimps who can't takeMarmite.

PezzMonkey Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:51

Not strictly the worst fast food ever, but definitely the worst service I've ever had.

Last New Years Day I managed to drag myself to McDonalds (nearest place I could get food ready made slapped in my hand). Foolishly went home with it (felt delicate, wasn't sure how I'd react to food at that point ). On opening it I found that it was just a burger in the box with toppings and no bun // Genius. Took it back (believe it or not). Lady behind counter shouted to the back that they had "another one of those burgers come back".

For my faff around, they gave me a voucher for a free meal. A week or so later I cashed this in at the drive thru. Stated I had a voucher for a free meal and wanted a Quarter Pounder meal. When I drove up to the collection window, no word of a lie, I was presented with three Quarter Pounder meals. A manager had to explain the mistaken to the woman serving me. Nearly died of embarassment.

Needless to say, I never returned.

everett_psycho Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:52

i had one of these once, it made my hangover worse  and yes never again

i had one of these once too, rubbery thing sliced steak was horrible, much prefer the meatball ones.

A local chinese to us forgot to cook the chicken in a meal once 

Also we had a pizza delivered in leeds, my mate swore blind the place would be nice he's usued them before, never before or again will i try doner meat pizza where the deep pan base is a couple of centimeters thick and the toppings or the worst quality are about 3-4cm thick, it was disgusting, i had a meat feast as my main pizza and that was bad enough but the doner meat made it 100 times worse

Chadford Publish time 26-11-2019 05:51:53

That makes me a wimp then.  I don't like Marmite, it sort of puts my teeth on edge if that makes sense. However It's a cracking ingredient to use in cooking (very high in glutamic acids).

Quite like Vegemite on toast with wholegrain mustard. 
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