MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:51

In my mind, this device is an inhaler that temporarily solves a problem (craving). I personally don't want to start thinking about it as a fruity pleasure stick, if you see what I mean? So if it tastes of nicotine, that's fine for now. Because let's face it, we can crave anything - I know people who crave green wine gums!

So, if I can break the association of this with pleasure, then giving up later becomes about reducing cravings, rather depriving myself of a pleasure. It's a psychological thing - that Allen Carr discusses in his book (and who no doubt wouldn't recommend e-cigs at all!).

As far as I am concerned, I'm non-smoker now. I just happen to medicate with nicotine. But in a couple of weeks, I'm hoping to start kicking that too. Strawberry flavourings aren't going to do much to help that, in my mind.

(ps. that's Allen Carr, not Alan Carr - I don't know what his opinion is on fruity pleasure sticks  )

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:51

Is it worth changing the title to "giving up, by using e-cigarettes" Mike?

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:51

Oh, I see what you mean! Yes please. Doh!

clc.sheff Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:52

Personally I would reccomend patches on their own or combined with gum for quitting. I tried an E cig recently for quitting and really struggled with knowing how well I was controlling my nicotine intake. I cant knock them as a device. They work really well however I can personally only see them being usefull as a cigarette substitute rather than a quitting aid.

robel Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:52

I started smoking late in my life, when i was 30. I have been smoking a packet a day, probably 8 packets over a week for the last 17 years. I have wanted to stop for sometime but couldnt summon up the determination needed plus of course, when you want to stop, you will, so maybe i wasnt truly ready.

Well Monday fortnight ago, so almost three weeks ago, I stopped.

I have bought an electronic fag for those weak moments and i do get them but to be honest i dont have the craving anymore that i NEED to smoke or I MUST BUY some fags....

Im very happy to be where I am and I dont intend to return to the habit.....

muffins Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:52

Have you tried the nicotine inhalers? Or the nicotine mouth spray? I used to be a long time smoker and have now been smoke free for two years.

I used the inhaler. It tasted god awful but satisfied my cravings as I could take some puffs on it when I felt stressed from nicotine cravings.

Gradually over the course of a month or so I found myself using it less and less the god awful taste helped) until one day i didn't need them at all.

Of course you need will power. My new born son was mine. I imagined him on his 21 wishing his dad was there to celebrate with him but I had died of lung cancer...

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:52

I agree. I started the E Cigarette thread months ago expecting a few replies but it turned into a massive thread with hundreds of contributions. Great as I'm not moaning as I still occasionally add a post every so often but it has turned into a bit of a fetish site with some mods being touted that cost the earth. I stick mainly to my tried and tested simple ego set up with replacable wicks as they....err.......Sorry I got a little carried away there 

ObeyOne Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:53

And thanks for starting that thread because its your thread that has got me on the road to over 9 weeks without a roll-up .

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:53

This is all food for thought, for me. As are some other posts.

On the nicotine issue, my recent capsules come with some instructions which is to take 7 drags only, and then stop, until about an hour or more later, or when you have another craving. It warns about you making yourself more addicted to nicotine, which is good to see.

It also talks about switching to lower strength after a few weeks. And then reducing your intake to six drags only, and so on.

I'm not enjoying the flavour of the UltraVape capsules, so I may go back to the Tesco/10Motives ones, which hardly have any flavour.

kav Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:53

Haven't heard of anyone trying to kick the habit this way, good luck Mike. 
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