MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:53

It's not all that surprising, because the product choices are pretty bewildering, and this is a gadget forum! It's just surprising for newbies to see people posting pictures of brush metal nicotine inhalers and saying "look at this bad boy!" 

If people see it as a hobby and want to discuss that, it's fine - I'm not judging. It's not so very different from say, smoking with a hookah.

I just see a need for a quitting advice thread, since e-cigs are pretty common nowadays, and I think more people will start using them.

MIghtyG Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:54

One thing to keep in mind though is that the the fluids which you can buy for these 'wireless hookahs' can be slowly diluted until they contain 0% Nicotine, then its just breathing in some harmless fruity water.

If you can't 'kick the habbit' of breathing in fruity water then who cares really? your not doing yourself any harm at this point 

maxwell Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:54

when I got my vaper 6 weeks ago it was purely as a replacement for cigarettes as I had no intention of fully giving up nicotine, I still had the occasional fag some days when offered one but on the whole it has been successful until this week where due to personal circumstances my stress level has been through the roof (an excuse I know).

I have purchased a couple of packets of fags this week mainly because of the instant hit aspect, once things settle down again I fully intend to go back to full time vaping although I have no intention of cutting down on the 18mg nicotine level I use.

As for the other thread I agree with others here that it is very overwhelming to the newcomer with people spending hundreds on 'top notch' equipment that is IMO not needed and talking about things that the majority don't need to do or understand

E-cigs are very effective as a substitute but as a giving up aid I would not put it in the same bracket as other alternatives mainly due to it maintaining your current smoking habits such as the physical actions/inhalation required and the after meals/with a cuppa etc

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:54

Don't forget that nicotine is the chemical that causes the cardiovascular problems and heart disease. Just saying because I'm not sure everyone would be aware of that (and I wasn't, despite being a smoker).

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:54

Mike can you add a link via NHS for that please.

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:55

It's a very good point. But I also think it's what makes the difference - the e-cigs are addressing one thing only, so there is less incentive to return to smoking. It then becomes a question of how to quit the e-cigs, which presents all the same hurdles as ciggies in most respects. So it's probably not making quitting any easier, or any harder. As I see it, anyhow.

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:55

No. I think people can do their own research into it.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:55

I can't see anything about it on NHS who are more than willing to push several ways of nicotine intake.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:55

Mike to be honest there are lots of good basic kits out there and yes you will have to fill most of them up with liquid.

The basic types will give you the nicotine and as you step up in price to repairable atomisers and variable voltage devices you are then able to adjust warmth, throat hit and taste.

Ill be honest and say the stuff you buy of the counter that claims to last like 200 cigs is terrible.
I would suggest you pop over to the other thread and do some research as I'm not sure these devices are for you.

MikeTV Publish time 26-11-2019 20:58:55

Ok. I didn't know I was saying anything contentious. Let's leave that debate aside.
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