RottenFox Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:54

In my post, I meant ex- smokers, not non smokers..silly mistake, but agree with you on the ex ones.

Personally, I don't drink, and I find people who do, who get drunk, possibly the most ****ing annoying thing in existence, that I have come across, and I want to punch them in the face when they get all clingy and "in your face".

Never have liked the taste of most alcoholic drinks, never will, but if you want to drink, fine, but stay away from my personal space, and don't get in my face. 

Wouldn't dream of preaching though, unlike ex-smokers, who seem to think they must preach...if you want to do it, fine, but shut the **** up, I do what I do and I'm not interested in your blithering ****.

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:54

As a non smoker, just thought let you know smokers smell bad. Imagine a vagrant who has urinated himself, and it's similar to that. Worse, because when they speak it's devil's minging breath. Then they look about 15 years older than they actually are, have bad skin, yellow teeth. And cancer. And poorer. Then the clothes smell, so if they put their jackets next to yours, yours stinks too.

MC77 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:54

I didn't actually read your post 

I was just going off the OP, but, having read that above. I agree. I don't like some things and would appreciate it if others kept those things away from me, for example, I am an ex-smoker...  But now dislike it, so try to avoid smokers. However, and it is a big however, I would never EVER tell someone not to do it, it's their choice. Saying that though, there is a massive difference between saying off the cuff: 'Oh that's bad for you' and then being a massive bloody preaching 'I used to be a smoker and now think it's my God given right to tell you how disgusting it is' sort of person.

MC77 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:54

As an ex-bullsh***er I would like to point out that you're the lowest of the low and you're disgusting and you smell, no-one like to listen to you and worst of all you're killing yourself.

n.b. This was entirely tongue in cheek, I hope you see it as much fun as I did when I read it back 

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:54

If I was working at a fish gutting farm, I know I would smell. I certainly wouldn't then go into a crowded bar expecting others to accept my lovely fishy aroma.

MC77 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:55

It's a bit different though. I mean people still went in pubs before the smoking ban? And I still hang out with my smoking friends?

MC77 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:55

And besides Berties, it happens in all walks of life, people stink of B.O. look at the problems JAMFISH has had.

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:55

yeah, sometimes you can't help it, after a hard day of work sweating you're a bit rank. That you can't help, but certainly on other smells you can be more thoughtful. One ex-smoker now cannot believe how badly she must have reeked. It's like working at a pig slop farm, guess you get used to the stench.

One bloke in town you could smell him from about 30' away in the shop. Old, brown stains on his trousers. Quite a mixture of smells, it was "interesting" to work out his unique bouquet. Doing a Jilly Golden...

MC77 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:55

I've a funny feeling a won't get anywhere debating this with you.

My point is, yes granted people who smoke will smell worse than you or I who don't smoke. But, it's all relative.
What would you find worse, some guy who was oblivious to his own stench of stale B.O. and stinky feet sitting next to you in the cinema or some guy who smokes 10 fags a day but also washes twice a day? I know who I'd pick. Because I also know which one I don't like and which one makes me nauseous

IronGiant Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:56

I've a funny feeling you won't either. 
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