Grrrrrowler Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:58

Thank you for proving my point so perfectly in a single post.

Dave Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:58

No problem, I'm here all night. 

daveaka Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:58

This is an e-cigarette/nicotine thread NOT a smoking thread. A lot of you sanctimonious non-smokers need to mind your business, boring bastards.

Dave Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:58


MIghtyG Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:59


Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:59

Here here. Well said. 

By the way I've just got my batch of 18mg Strawberry ejuice through the post and it tastes gooooooood! 

Berties Publish time 26-11-2019 21:02:59


Grangey. Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:00

Yeah unfortunatley for many in practice "just quitting" isnt as easy as it sounds. We can all sit on our high horses and say we dont need nicotine, or tar, or tobacco, or junk food, or ice cream, or pop corn, or anything in life we really enjoy... but people still do it. Nicotine is also addictive as is the habbit itself- so E Ciggerettes are a step in the right direction for those that dont want to keep the health risks involved with smoking tobacco and all of the chimicals accompanying it, and just keep their habit manageable.

E Cigarettes provide just that solution, and also ALLOWS people to cut their intake if nicotine down to zero whilst still having the pleasures involved with smoking.

Not everyone goes to e-ciggarettes to quit smoking. Many do it just because its cheaper, can be done indoors, is not harmful to those around you, is scent free, has some lush flavours, and many many more.

Saying "just quit" is a very assuptive statement.

For me though, I went to e ciggarettes for abit and it drasticly cut down my smoking habits, I ended up going back to full blown ciggarettes again but I then woke up one day and quit cold turkey and have not looked back since- and Im sure its only due to the e-ciggarettes breaking my normal habits and cycle that allowed my mental attitude to quitting to no longer get in the way (ie it removed my thoughts of dependancy of the little cancer stick, and showed me I didnt need them).

MIghtyG Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:00


Taxi for Berties!

Grrrrrowler Publish time 26-11-2019 21:03:00

Mods - can you change the title of the thread to 'Trolls - Why not just give up?'...
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