Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:44

Didn't know you had that, we'll have to get some games in.

Have you played any CoD4 on the PC on your own?

Agreed. SR is good but I'm not really hyped about this one. It'll be a laugh but it's not a day one thing.

Throw your money at this: Ubuntu Edge | Indiegogo

If it happens I won't upgrade later on in the year, if it doesn't (as is likely ) then I'm not sure what I'll do. My upgrade is due around November but it's in the middle of the release schedule.

IMO it's either the HTC One or the S4

kav Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:44

My wife has an S4 Tones and she loves it, aside from the fact that the connection on Three is often spotty.

ODP Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:44

Yeah played a few games. Still as class as it always was

Rorifett Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:44

HTC one brilliant bar the battery, with WiFi and mobile data off when it's not needed battery is good, lasts most of the day with regular use and left with about 10-20% battery, with WiFi and mobile on you'll need a recharge with regular use

Super phone though and the zoe gimmick is good for capturing moments, something I'll really miss if I don't have this feature on any other phone in future

King Tones Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:44

S4 looks pretty good, not had a look at others yet though.
Cheers for the replies

Boozehound Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:45

Well well well, things are certainly getting interesting in Xbox One land. I better start saving...

mossym Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:45

i have done absolutely zero following of the latest updates, whats the latest on the one?

King Tones Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:45

Dedicated Servers for COD Ghosts, plus I think every game actually.
Fifa free with the Xbox One at launch.

Imo its started to look like the Console for me, spec/tech wise and the all important Games.
Titanfall, BF4 and COD all on Dedicated Servers. Gaming nights just got 100x more fun imo

Now to cancel the wedding so I can pay for one of these 

Boozehound Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:45

What Tones said. MS were on the ropes, even though I was convinced the One will be the better console, but over the past couple of days they keep making positive announcements which make the choice easy for me. FIFA is going to shift a load of consoles and if Sony don't match MS on the dedicated servers (it's MS providing them, not Activision) then almost every COD fan has an easy decision to make. I love IW CODs and the dedicated servers seal the deal for me.

Boozehound Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:45

Tones, Xbox One and a few games on the gift list? I'm sure the missus will be fine with it. 
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