kav Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:15

I do Tones, well oooh sometimes anyway. 

signs Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:15

The One has blu now doesn't it ? , i know absolutely nothing about thisconsole , yeah i'll get one of these 

signs Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:16

4k ..

Xbox One unveiled

Mikepriester Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:17

Afternoon Gents and Karen.

Everyone seems to be doing well, best check out the last thread seeing as it's that long since I've been about (I've actually got a life now.. ha) 

In other news, I spent the whole weekend at Oulton Park for my bro's Stag Do, I am best man and I've got another weekender coming up in two weeks for another wedding where I'm best man... 

Only problem is that the last speech I did for a best mans speech I pulled out all the stops and I can't go on repeating myself, I'd ask for tips but I know the usual ones you'd spit out Robbie. 

ODP Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:17

went down the butchers the other day for 8 legs of venison....

Boozehound Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:18

Am I the only person being driven both crazy and a little bit to trolling by the absolute toolbags on the XBone forum who appear to be employed by Sony? Gaaargh, it's infuriating!

Boozehound Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:19

.... whatever he charged you, it was two dear.

Boozehound Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:20

Mike, try the old ugly Sunday joke. I used it in 2 of my 3 best man speeches. Got laid once so a 50% success rate.

W0LFIE Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:21

Hi Mike, hope all is better with you.

The old '3 things the bride needs to remember' springs to mind

Also had an Irish friend who got married, her dad did a whole bit about the traditional way the Irish trade horses (referring to his daughter). Ended up with him pretending to spit on his hand, shaking hands with the groom & telling him he had 2 weeks after which he couldn't return her.

Mikepriester Publish time 27-11-2019 02:24:21

The old ones are deffo the best, but it's finding the old ones which aint too common nowadays. I've cringed too many times myself from hearing them //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif

Froggy, did get your message the other day dude, that's what gave me nudge to check out how all you guys were  I didn't get your calculation above, until I read it again 

Is anyone playing any COD anymore, I'm into Blops 2 (play at silly times when hardly anyones about) because that's the only one I have where I am at the mo but thinking of picking up a few more games to see me through until One, but can't be bothered picking em all up so maybe just my MW2 
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