Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:03

Picked up my first squad win the night before last with 8 kills of my own and first duo win yesterday. The squad win was with two mates and a random, who went off solo and died fairly early, and we were so nearly put a stop to all through out.

At the beginning of the game, in Rozhok, I was in a building surrounded by people who had a car and guns when I had no gun. I just hid/kept quiet and got the rest of my squad into a firefight with them which allowed me to get an AK and shoot them in the back. Towards the end game one of the three of us left got put down in a field and we got him back up before then moving into the city the circle was dragging everyone to I got put down with another of the squad also being put down leaving from where we never knew. The last man managed to get us up and we got healed before the blue was on us and into a building. We held the building for a bit and then had to move where I got into another building but there were too many people for me to cover the other two so they ended up down and then killed. It ended up one on one, me with an AK and him with a shotgun in the building which I was the victor of.

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:04

I do love this game, but I'm not all that great at it. I don't think I've been this excited playing a game in years. It still scares the pants off me when you are out in an open field or spot someone close to the building you are in. Getting a good cardio work out each match! Can't get that elusive win but it's just so much fun. Every game is so different. It's still early access so it can only get better and better. Best investment I've made in a long time.

Kirki Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:05

Still playing solo and loving the game, but pretty much unplayable last night, suffering a lot with lag and rubber-banding, as well as landing on the ground and having to wait quite a while for the LOD buildings to refresh themselves. May well be my internet connection, just hope this wasn't due to something on the patch.

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:06

ARRRGGGHH, the games where you run to high loot area to end up with a frying pan and crash helmet despite searching everywhere to get taken out by someone with the boom boom stuff.

Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:07

Picked up another squad win earlier on making it a win a day for three days in a row now. Not sure I'll be able to keep that up!

Also discovered that there comes a point where the circle stops shrinking. It stays at the same size and just makes you duke it out.

RidleyDeckard Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:08

Damn it, number 2, I was watching the wrong way at the end and got shot in the back. Stupid rookie mistake

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:09

when you are an EU scrublord and win go play solo NA and win your first game //

Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:10

Not to rain on your parade but ranking is region specific so you're effectively starting over and playing with worse people compared to regions you've played lots of games on. Latency comes into it too

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:11

I know it is, but EU wasn't playing ball.

drinkturps Publish time 27-11-2019 21:54:12

Have any of you been messing around with ReShade on this game? It's fine to use by the devs which is good. I'm trying to find a sweetspot clarity wise.

I've got the recommended options on from sites and it looks really nice.

EDIT: and it's still those games where you explore a hanger only to get a backpack and a helmet when the person in the hanger next to you has an assault rifle.....arghghghghgh
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