Smurfin Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:56

It really varies tbh; will try the settings that someone mentioned earlier in the thread the next time I play it 

It's still playable, and easily the best game I've played recently for intensity of gameplay experience (although I'm loving Dark Souls II also)

dave_parki_uk Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:56

From reading reddit and other places apparently the launch options "-USEALLAVAILABLECORES -malloc=system" are already in the game.Looking at afterburner the game is utilising all 4 cores pretty evenly for me with and without those settings.

The -sm4 flag also renders the game in DX10 mode which people say you should only do if you have a lower end GPU.

This game is just really poorly optimised at the moment and unfortunately there is a small competitive advantage to running very low shadows for example.The game is also a memory hog, most of the time its using 10gbof my 16gb 

Bizarrely the lower you put the graphics the more strain you are putting on the CPU to render the game which is why some people find they have low FPS.If you do increase some graphics options to offload some of that work to your GPU.

The AA in the game is also FXAA and it seems quite agressive too, making the game very fuzzy for me so i set this to Low and use RESHADE to sharpen up the image.I also set the shadows to medium, give more depth to the game world.My Textures are at High and View distance Low as apparently that renders in 1/4 of the map?

Other settings are set to very low to switch them off basically e.g. effects and foliage.


Its a fun game though, im just hoping the devs actually have a decent road map with the money they have made and see it through. 

Smurfin Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:56

If anyone fancies doing a team session tonight, we've got one slot free - MrGrumpie on steam.Will be on in 30 minutes 

Sniper Ash6 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:56

Solo winner winner chicken dinner!


Benji11 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:57

Me, Smurfin and a mate are looking for a 4th player to quad up. If anyone wants to play regularly mainly a Friday night and the odd mid week game give us a shout. ZXD_Markuz and MrGrumpie on steam.

Smurfin Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:57

The team games are so much fun, had some awesome rounds last night.

Benji11 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:57

It was intense and fun. Probably the most exciting shooter I've played. It's the tension that builds up knowing you have one life and the decisions you have to make. Great stuff.

RedAl Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:58

I'm so desperate to get this but can't afford a gaming pc for at least a month. I'd love to know when this is coming to console as that would maybe help me decide to wait for the ps4 version. Somehow though I suspect it won't be til the end of the year at the earliest.

Rorifett Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:58

September to xbox preview allegedly but not sure on ps preview game options

Benji11 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:53:58

RedAl Can't beat a good gaming pc vs a console. I use xbox occasionally just for console exclusives. If you can hold on I'd go for pc as the games are so much cheaper and you can customise your build and upgrade when you can afford it. Not to mention the graphics and resolution can be as good as you want it.
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