mickevh Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:18

I do not offer such advice on the basis that I don't see enough kit to offer an informed opinion as to what is "best." Indeed, what is "best" for any given use case can vary. Others will doubtless be able to offer their recommendations.

If you want to do some of your own research, I like a US based web site called SmallNetBuilder who reviews a lot of kit aimed at the SOHO marketplace and does a better job than most of objectively testing it. He also "ranks" the results by various performance metrics. You could do worse than look there, just bear in mind that he's US based if you are outside that territory so pricing, availability and exact spec. (often it's just the PSU) could vary elsewhere in the world.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:18

Considering you can get five nodes in a mesh network configuration for just £125 from Tenda, then why spend more than that for your home on those brand names?

sep8001 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:18

Thank you both the additional information. Looking at the Tenda Mesh which is at a good price range, for some reason I want to try out the Ubi AP first, so will keep an eye out for one.

topgazza Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:19

Despite have the dreaded letters "BT" on it I followed reviews and bought the BT Home Mesh system. Two devices and boy I get fast, rock steady WiFi in my house. Cant recommend strongly enough.

BT can do something right

Bluedug Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:19

Would you go for the MW6 set up now or would you stick with MW3. Just looking to try and sort my set up and think Tenda mesh for the house and separate access point for outside and cabin.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:19

Considering my broadband connection where I live will not in the foreseeable future go about 76, and it is plenty sufficient for three concurrent Netflix streams and Spotify and apple music etc I see no reason to upgrade other than having better specs that simply won't be used.

Naturally it could be different for your situation. Either way it is very capable for this UHD streaming household.

Bluedug Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:20

Thank you, I think will go with the 3s. Hopefully two packs of 3 will manage to give full coverage and not require another router in the garage.

Bluedug Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:20

Noticed eBay had the 3 kit of the MW3s for £77 (Tenda Nova (MW3) Whole Home Wi-Fi Mesh Kit 3 Pack 2-port Wireless Cable Router6932849427875 | eBay) had an eBay voucher so decided to get one pack of 3 too see what like. Thanks for your help.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:20

Nice, good luck! They are easy to setup, and very easy to add more to them when you discover a dead spot. I had to add another 2 pack to the original 3 for our house. But hey for the money you can't complain  And even at this price point it has the feature to disable the LED for example so it doesn't shine in the night when you place them in a bedroom.

foozoo Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:20

A little help please, I am on top tier VM, My house is 1920’s with lots of WiFi deadspots, but a plus point is most of the rooms have a spare cat5e connection, so what’s the best option improving on my WiFi?
Thanks in advance.
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