Ged Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:23

Thanks for the replies, I actually bought the triple pack version but so far didn’t think I needed the third as the signal appears to be full around the house (small detached with an extension).
I do note that a speed test is down compared to connecting to the router’s WiFi which I have now turned off to minimise congestion.
Also, I briefly set the MW6 back to DHCP but apart from the expected network issues, there seemed no reason to use it so reverted back to bridge mode.

Bl4ckGryph0n Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:23

In bridge mode you disable the mesh functions. So possible the cause for slower WiFi. I’d install all three models and keep it in Mesh mode.

muppetman Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:23

Sorry if this is a numpty question but is it possible to use either Google WiFi or BT Whole home WiFi mesh with a Plusnet Hub One ?

cjed Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:24

Yes, as long as your ISP router has an ethernet port (and all do AFAIK) then you can use either of the "mesh" systems you mention.

Mr X Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:24

I’ve tried all units from BT, Google and Netgear Orbi, finally settled for Amplifi HD which has now been running solidly for well over a year now with absolutely no issues.

My house is over 5000 sq feet and I use 4 mesh units in total. I average 400 mb up and down all WiFi all around the house, sometimes hitting over 500mb and roaming is seamless and unnoticeable. I even get over 100mb at the bottom of a very large garden.

Not cheap (£350 for all 4 units) but the best performing of all those I tested and the family haven’t moaned about the WiFi since I moved to this.


janskit9 Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:24

vote for unifi. I run 2 Unif AP's (cheap ones from ebay, circa £40 each - 2.4Ghz only) and the coverage is fantastic, as well as roaming between APs.

guest Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:24

Unless you use a Mac in which case not so great.

Used to be a big fan of the unifi until firmware 4.x cannot get a stable 3x3 stream out of the Pro Units. Loved the software that's free and the level of control.

Apparently, they have fixed the issues in there new HD models but at £250each, that's getting on to some proper costs.. Most people can equip their entire house with wifi for less than that.

chattoe Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:24

Hi can I ask, you say you bought 4 units. Which units did you buy? I’m seeing you can buy the main router with 2 plug in antennas as a pack or buy the router on its own

Mr X Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:25       I got a good deal from one of their UK official suppliers. Was much cheaper than Amazon.

The (possible) problem with buying the kit which as you say comes with 1 HD unit (cube)and two antenna mesh points (plug in units) is that they are hard coded together and are programmed to that unit only.

If you buy separates you can mix and match as you like and if a unit should everfail, you just replace it.

I purchased 3 HD units(cubes) because they can also be used as mesh points but have Ethernet points, and one Antenna. Pic of my set up from the App (speed shown is current activity!)

chattoe Publish time 2-12-2019 04:45:25

I see, do you mind if I ask where you got them from please. Also how is the hand off from one to the other when roaming with a mobile device?

I’m looking at getting a 1gb fibre line to my house when I move so would want to take advantage of those speeds
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