Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:21

Brexit - What I most and least want to happen !

Given the confusion and arguments over which choice has the most or least support - I created a Poll to allow everyone to express both their preferred choice and the option they are most opposed to. These are not theoretical 'wishes' based on fantasies of perfect deals, but based on the current situation of what deal we have on the table.

Hopefully it will give some indication of how both sides of the debate rate all the options available in a comparable way.

see post#63 for the detailed explination and reasoning behind the design and deliberate choices made for the Poll.

For reference:
Current stance (1:40am 02/04/2019)

No Deal - 5 For, 16 Neutral ( 46.2% -42.8%) - 11% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
May's Deal - 6 Against, 121 Neutral ( 6.2% -10.3%) - 83.4% (2nd least worst/2nd best)
Revoke article 50 - 1 For, 8 Neutral ( 47.6% -46.9%) - 5.5% (2nd least worst/2nd best)

Leave 52.4%
Remain 47.6%

If No Deal was pulled from the table => 53.1% to 46.9% in favour of Remain.
If May's Deal was pulled from the table => 52.4% to 47.6% in favour of Leave.
If Revoke was pulled from the table => 51% to 49% in favour of Deal.

Sample size = 145 votes

Neutral = neither first choice nor most opposed.

attached is the spread sheet with the formula used to calculate the information (open office format)

Russ_64 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:22

If you voted for one of the bottom two options, have you signed the petition yet?
Petition: Revoke Article 50 and remain in the EU.

Almost 3 million .........

IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:23

It's already been posted and discussed in the other Brexit thread...

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:24

Which one svp ?

IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:25

The open one...

Edit: It was first linked to here: Brexit: The Week Ahead!
but the discussion had already started earlier.

Rasczak Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:26

Good poll!

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:26

The Brexit the week ahead one ? That doesn't have a poll for giving your choice on what you want and what you oppose.
I set this up primarily to measure the first AND second choices people support - I want to know the number of Leavers and Remains that support Deal or Revoke vs' Revoke or Leave etc.

Toko Black Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:26

Ah sorry IG, I thought you were talking about my Poll and thread, not the petition.

IronGiant Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:27

Not your thread, the petition 

Edit: cross posted 

blackrod Publish time 3-12-2019 00:52:27

Surprised at this poll so far as this section is by far the most pro brexit forum I frequent.
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