rancidpunk Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:28

The electorate gave her the most seats, enabling her to be propped up by the DUP. It's what we voted for

Pacifico Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:29

Dont start stalking me as well - I might get delusions of grandeur..

richp007 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:30

The Tory party have botched everything up since the day we foolishly elected them back into power.

Voted in a useless leader, ignored the will of the people, and botched just about everything they've touched.

Joe Public has had no say since they were elected back in, we've just had to sit back and watch them destroy everything.

So my original point remains - well done the Tory party. They have led us right to where we find ourselves today.

richp007 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:31


Sonic67 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:32

I know what it entailed. //static.avforums.com/styles/avf/smilies/facepalm.gif And better we leave now than later.

Pacifico Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:33


Sonic67 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:33


6Antique9 Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:34

I would just like to reply and say, its not about whether to leave and how options. We had the vote and it didn't go the way remainers hoped so they have tried since to scupper the result. We now have to decide whether we want democracy. If you decide to revoke the article 50 and we remain, turning over the result of the referendum will you apply this criteria to every vote after. General elections, local elections etc if 48% don't like the result. Not the path we should follow because it is mob rules. I have noticed over the past months the remainers, not all but a fair proportion of them resort to insults when they lose the argument. It wasn't a good idea for David Cameron to call the referendum but he did and in my opinion we should honour the result, don't keep changing the question just because something is difficult. Remember why we voted leave, because we wanted our politicians to make the laws for this country and be held accountable for the results and if they get it wrong we can vote them out, unlike the EU parliament. Remember, they are such a dishonest group they haven't had their books signed off in over 18 years, what are they hiding and why do they need two parliament buildings?

clydebest Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:35

Quite simple ignore the Referendum result and simply stay in the EU..

That said a small majority did vote to leave ... so we need another referendum and if this time if the same result happens we leave warts and all ..

For me a 2nd Referendum would result in a remain majority this time... so either except that or best of 3..

Sounds confusing , no more than what the parliamentarians have made of the first vote.

nheather Publish time 3-12-2019 00:53:35

Poor poll design.A poll should cover all people - it should not result in people being not able to vote.And it shouldn’t present what is essentially a binary question with numerous options otherwise you get

I like cheese, my favourite is chedder - 25
I like cheese, my favourite is stilton - 15
I like cheese, my favourite is brie - 12
I like cheese, my favourite is red leicester - 20
I like cheese, my favourite is dorset blue - 9
I don’t like cheese - 26

And the winner is ‘I don’t like cheese’ which is rather misleading.

I have voted but there wasn’t one category that really fitted so just had to pick one.The poll should be (a) I want to leave the EU or (b) I want to revoke Article 50.

In my case I still want to leave, I’m not entirely sure whether I prefer May’s deal or No-Deal but I’m certainly against revoking Article 50, and I would accept either leave option over that.


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