HMHB Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:08

The more I think about a touch screen reader, the more I don't want one  I would get very annoyed with fingerprints whilst reading. OK if it's a general purpose tablet as well then it wouldn't be so bad.

nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:09

Having got a Keyboard Kindle, I agree, I can't see the need for a touch.

It is odd though, that I intuitively think it should be touch sensitive as I still find sometimes myself stroking the screen to turn the page.

But trying to think how much I use the keyboard - probably a reasonable amount - and I think that would be a pain on the non-touch, non keyboard version.

The idea of the Fire if they get the price right is interesting, though I'm a little concerned that it won't have android market, just an Amazon one instead.

Thanks for the info about the 'offer' and 'non-offer' variants - I wasn't aware of them.



Stream62 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:10

Yeah, I was all for the idea last week, a touch screen swipe seems like a good way to turn pages. But after cooling down a touch and listening to the latest Tested podcast I'm a little more wary of it. The idea of fingerprints is off putting, it's a touch rather than swipe and the IR tech might be a little sensitive.

I still like the idea but i'd want to see it working before getting one.

HMHB Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:11

There's a review on Tom's hardware saying that to their eyes the display on the new Kindle doesn't look as good as on the old Kindle. They are told that it's using the same ink technology so assume it must be down to cost cutting in the display panel department.

nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:11

If that is true rather than Toms Hardware just seeing a difference between two random screens then I expect that future Keyboard Kindles will also get the lower grade screens.

It doesn't make commercial sense to do anything else - use the same screen on all the models, except for the Fire at course.

I can imagine the Touch not looking as good as it will have the extra touch layer over the top.



WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:12

New Kindles are already shipping and my Dad's arrived today.

Stream62 Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:13

That's early isn't it? I thought they weren't coming out until Nov?

WibXL Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:14

October 12th according to the Amazon UK site but I received and email to say that it would be dispatched early and be with me by the 8th for some reason.

pandemic Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:15

The only reason is the size, I presume they can make it over 30% smaller.
Also I guess touch is becoming so natural, the first time I showed one of my colleagues my Kindle 3G, he read the "slide and release ..." message and started swiping it like an iPhone //

nheather Publish time 25-11-2019 04:32:16

I've had a Kindle for a few months now and I still find myself (when I'm not paying attention) trying to swipe the screen.

I agree that it doesn't need to be touch sensitive and that the buttons are probably better as you are less likely to accidentally turn pages.


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