WozzaUK Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:52

Think I'll put that code to good use too! Let me know what you think of it.

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:52

Has anyone tried lieutenant limey by generals juices? Just got some and I can't taste the lime at all, it tastes like gingerbread or something? Also I have been vaping on b-bomb a lot as it was the only one I've tried I really liked but now I can hardly taste it  tried several tanks   new coils

WozzaUK Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:52

I bought a selection of their juices as they were highly recommended, but wasn't overly impressed. The custard wasn't sweet enough and the other flavours were only ok. B-Bomb was probably the best, but I haven't gone back to them and still have a few bottles unopened.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:53

Also just ordered up some vapercrew St Loius Blues, Beetlejuice ,and the Banana Custard to see how it compares.

So far I''ve not been a big fan of tobacco flavours, maybe the one bottle a guy at work gave me wasn't that good (in fact I thought it was foulVivid brand, "Golden Tobacco" flavour).

Good price with 40% off (thanks @Dony ) , so a tenner for 3 bottles delivered has to be worth a punt.

Woodywizz Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:53

Just bought 10ml of Caramel Tobacco, and 30ml of Vanilla Custard, from VaperCaper - all for £14 delivered, found a 10% off discount code online. I usually use Totally Wicked liquids, which I've always thought tasted a bit...well....meh.

Hoping it makes the most out of my variable voltage Totally Wicked Curve combined with an Odyssey tank.....which does produce a magnificent amount of vape.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:53

If you'd have posted earlier I'd have advised you to stay clear of TW. They take known manufacturer's products and rebrand them, then charge about 20% more. The Curve is an iStick mini and can be had for £19.99. I don't mean to poo on your purchase but just for the future.

Also VC15 for Vaper Caper 15% off. 

I hope you enjoy the new liquids, I cannot recommend them enough.

WozzaUK Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:53

Tested the banana custard from VaperCrew and that is equally as amazing and tops the vapercaper custard. There's a local stockist of Vapercrew liquid so will be purchasing some of their other flavours to try tomorrow.

I'm really impressed by their stuff and could have found my new goto vendor.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:53

Just away to get back on the MVP after a bit of a relapse on the cigs. Unfortunately I seem to have gone off all my current flavours so have just ordered a 5x5ml Mt Baker Vapor sample pack from CloudHouse. I went for:

Blue Drake
Caramel Apple
Hawk Sauce
Butterscotch Tobacco

All 12mg and 20/80% PG/VG.

The MBV Cotton Candy was always my favourite, but unfortunately they're out of stock at the moment. Always great service from CloudHouse too. Really quick to answer any questions via Facebook and usually chucks in a couple of free samples on bigger orders.

Might have all my other liquids to trade if anyone is interested? I'm keen to get rid of that god awful Snake Oil for example! In fact think that one is responsible for me going back on the cigs!

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:54

I've been vaping Caramel tobacco since last week and have just switched to St Louis Blues. First impressions are that the flavour is no-where as "full on" as the Vaper Caper caramel.
Don't think I like it as much, though the caramel was a bit too sweet at times.

I'm starting to really like this new hobby! 

jono987 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:54

I'd be happy to trade liquids with people  not sure if its aloud maybe we would need to list on the classifieds? I bought some lieutenant limey from generals juices but really can't get on with it
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