RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:02

We have a group PM going, @nacmacfeegle can invite you to it as he is the convo starter 

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:02

Aye, the Iron Brew, (Their spelling, not mine...) from Waves of Vapour.
Made in Scotland from girders, its is not, I'd say it probably tastes closer to a 7 up, or a Sprite, but witha wee hint of something flowery, like elderberries or similar (please... no Monty Python Holy Grail quotes please).
Its not entirely disagreeable on it's own, but if I skoosh in a couple of drops of a Green Apple flavour I have, it really lifts it up, and I end up with something closer to Appletise.
Happy enough with that.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:02

Conversation invite sent to JimmyMac.
Jimmy, you should have a wee envelope icon at the top right.

JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:03

Thanks all, I am just awaiting delivery of a couple more items tomorrow and will then add a list of what I have to the PM 

JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:05

Any suggestions that are not in the sweeter range of liquids, tried a few now and think I am definately not into those types as I haven't found one that I like thus far, just too sickly overall. I'm thinking perhaps a coffee style or maybe something else others can recommend?

WozzaUK Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:06

Try the vermillion river and redwood range at ecigwizard. The breakfast blend is lovely.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:07

Don't try Vermillion River KMAX or Premium Blend as they are quite sweet and in my top 5. I have not tried any of the others but the tobacco taste they use is quite a sweet shag type tobacco, could be good with a bitter taste overlay.

Their Cappuccino one is quite popular.

Dony Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:08

Trying out Hangsen Red Bullie (Red Energy on the bottle) and quite impressed. There's a definite energy drink flavour to it which I like, and a decent throat hit.
A possible contender for my all day vape.

My favorite is still VaperCaper's Caramel Tobacco. Tried their custard as well which was also good but a bit sweeter.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:09

Ordered some 1ml samples of different flavours and they came yesterday. Thought I would try one today. Pineapple was the first I decided to try, although I didn't realise until now that it was an 18mg liquid rather than the 12mg I've been used to. My god it makes a big difference, a much harsher throat hit. Can't really taste much pineapple though.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:10

I recommend Yellow Sub by J-Vapes. Its a tropical mix but pineapple is the predominant flavour. Lovely stuff 
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