RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:59


Great idea though!

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:32:59

I was thinking about carry cases the other day and looking online there are some available, but these look not much different to the one posted above. They also reminded me of some dart cases (I play darts a fair bit), of which I have a spare one knocking about at home. Haven't put it to use yet, but just might do once I need to carry a bit more stuff around.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:00

I got an eGo one that appears on many ecig vendor sites, it's pretty useless, but it is cheap so might be worth a punt.I'd say its probably a good bit bigger than a darts case, but its been a long time since I played with the arrows.
Its too small to carry more than 6-bottles on their own, or an e-cig like an Emow and a couple of bottles.Its too big to drop into a jeans back pocket (even with my fat ass).You can really only use one side or the other, as its not deep enough.
I'm using my eGo case as a tiny toolkit organiser in the meantime.
I can post up some comparison pics later on if you want, for various carrying things I'm playing about with.
If I'm off to the pub, or hooning around town for a day, its currently the spectacle case for me.

Just like flavours though, what you need to lug around with you, and how you organise it all,is entirely a personal thing.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:00

I know there is a lot of love for Vaper Caper Custard but I've been using it a week and finding its too sickly sweet an all day vape. For those who like a sweet hit but with something else to tone it down I got Berry Cheesecake yesterday with my eStick kit and its lovely. Tastes just like its title. The berry gives it a sharpness the custard doesnt have. Going to be using for a while

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:00

Custard is definitely a taste you love or hate. When I first tried GVC which was the first custard I got I found it too sweet. I didn't have any other juice at the time so had to stick with it and now I'm just a custard vaper. I've always had a very sweet tooth anyway.

sniffer66 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:00

Its funny, I loved it too start with but now I have better kit I find it way too sweet to vape all the time. I'll save it for a "dessert vape" though 

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:01

One of my first liquids was Digby's Mum's Custard, which everyone seemed to be loosing their s**t over at the time, but it just tasted like overly sweet burnt milk to me. I reckon it may have been the cheap eGo starter kit I was using back then, but it was enough to put me off custards for a while.

I'm on St Louis Blues today (thanks Dony!). I was a bit aprehensive at first as I'm not really a minty juice fan, but after a good blast on it I think I'm now a convert! The toffee / caramel isn't too sweet and the mint is very subtle. Nice throat hit too. I reckon this could easily be an ADV. Only downside is now I have a craving for peppermint slices!

I also have Apollo E-Cigs Hemi Orange in another tank (thanks Nac!) and that tastes lovely too. Very much like Fanta or Orangina, but also reminds me of Orange & Cream Campino sweets. Very impressed with this one, although maybe not one to puff on all day.

I'm actually in the process of doing a mini review of all the juices I've tired (around 30 odd!) so expect a badly worded block of text to appear in the next day or so 

BTW - Don't forget the AVF E-Liquid Swap Shop is still open to all! This is what I still have left to trade...

T-Juice - Red Astaire - 11mg - around 6ml left
Emporium Vapor - Swedish Fish - 12mg - around 6ml left
Dr Stanley Clarke's Original Recipie Snake Oil - 12mg - around 6ml left
Diamond Mist - Purple Grape - 18mg - around 9ml left
Mt Baker Vapor - Extreme Soda - 12mg - around 2ml left
Mt Baker Vapor - Pink Champagne - 12mg - around 2ml left
Mt Baker Vapor - Caramel Apple - 12mg - around 2ml left
Mt Baker Vapor - Hawk Sauce - 12mg - full

All are 10ml bottles apart from the Mt Baker liquids, which are 5ml samples.

nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:01

Two words to describe the St Louis Blues from Vapercrew.
Werther's Original.
I agree its very nice, and my current favourite caramel/custard variety, but I mistakenly ordered 18mg which is a bit strong for my regular tooting. Good for when I need a good 'dunt' of nic though.I roll with 3 tanks so I keep one with SLB for those stressful moments.

RandomLee Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:01

Never thought of Werther's but now you mention it, it does taste a bit like them! Did you get the chance to try the Irn Bru yet?

JimmyMac Publish time 26-11-2019 20:33:02

Do we have a seperate thread for swapping? I have a few available including sweet prudence from halcyon haze
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