nacmacfeegle Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:11

I find I vape less with higher nic content, I started on 18 mg/ml, and it was a bit too much for me but when I switched down to 12mg/ml, I find I needed to vape more often.
I'm sticking with 12 and currently trying to vape less.I do have the ability to stealth vape as often as I need to though just because of my work circumstances.

If you find your vaping is not replacing the nicotine hit from your smoking, or for whatever reason you can't as often as you need, you might want to up the strength of the liquid to see if it helps.

It will take a bit of trial and error to work it out, but it is so worthwhile to try and make it work out for you.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:12

I think when I first get started I will probably mirror my current smoking habits, so I'll pop outside for 5 minutes or so and vape away at about the same intervals I'm doing now. My wife has told me I still have to go outside when at home, which I agree with to a degree as if the kids see me inside 'smoking' it might make it seem more desirable to them as they get older.

Suave Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:13

Hi All,

Is it just me or does the Nautilus stuff look cheaply made? So many swear by them but the finish & fit looks not that great in the pics I have seen & I am not too keen on the looks tbh - anything better out there?

So many options - it just gets confusing! E-Leaf have recommended their New MELO tank with the iStick - does anyone know much about it?

As far as coils are concerned - what are the costs of say the ones on the Nautilus, Nautilus Mini, E-Leaf MELO etc? Any options to bring costs down like in re-wickable coils as is available for the Kanger EMOW Tanks from the likes of Virtual-Vape & Nature-Vape as oska recommended?

Anyone with the iStick using anything other than the Nautilus stuff & that they are really happy with?


walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:14

Kanger do replacement dual coils for their clearomisers that are a little cheaper than the Nautilus ones, other than that I'm not sure without doing a full on google search. I'm sure one of the more experienced vapers on here will know more though (I'm looking at you oska  )

CJPowers81 Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:15

I find Kanger's Aerotank V2 to be far superior to the mini Nautilus. Better flavour even with stock coils and it's the only tank I own that hasn't gurgled or leaked. As for coils, I get mine from Fasttech who are based in China. They're much cheaper than UK vendors.

oska Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:15

Naturevape or Virtual Vape coils will only fit Kanger or a few other types, not Aspire though.

The MELO uses their own type of replaceable head which would be similar costs to the Nautilus.

If you want to keep costs down I would maybe stick with Kanger until you are ready to build coils yourself. With the Kangers EMOW, Protank, Aerotank etc you can use the Naturevape style coils which give a better vape than most other standard coils. You can rewick it yourself in minutes. I faffed around for months rebuilding Kanger heads to keep costs down before discovering them.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:16

Just watched a review from taste your juice for the Kanger sub tank. Think that will be my next tank once I've gotten used to vaping. Looks amazing and can be used with replaceable heads or you can build your own.

Stuart Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:17

Good choice. But go for the mini and avoid the original as the former is better all round other than capacity.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:19

Just watched another video about the mini and nano and was thinking the mini might be better.

walks Publish time 26-11-2019 20:53:20

Everything came today, got it all put together and some e-liquid added. Going to finish this week on the analogs and then from Saturday, it's vaping only.
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