RottenFox Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:58

The liquid in the mouth is either you sucking too hard, you tipping it up, so the liquid enters the cig, or you filling it up too much, or not enough foam in the head.

Get some fish filter foam, something like the blue fluval foam, and fill up some old carts with it sort of a 1cm or so square, then use them as always-there pre-filled carts with your own flavouring.

Also, are cheaper, wide variety of stuff, and have a decent community who don't lock down conversations, and will give plenty of advice regarding products/flavourings, etc.

If you set up an account/order, and use the code EBACCY you will get 15% off your order.

I like Cherry menthol, some base liquid, some cherry cola, a dash of vodka, and some menthol crystals, which dissolve in the liquid, yumm
They got my business.

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:58

The forum on that site is great. They even have a thread on recipes for concocting flavours. Love the Refresher chew flavour recipe that someone has provided. 
Many thanks.

Cloverleaf Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:58

Really ?

Would you still smoke it without any nicotine content ?

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:58

Yes, I have some 0% liquid which is very nice thanks.

RottenFox Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:59

Yep agreed, the 0% base is fine for flavours, a strong menthol(0mg nicotine), cherry menthol(18mg nicotine is what I like), mixed fruit, strawberry milkshakes, and besides, you can get tobacco flavoured ones, Turkish, US blend, Cigar flavour and the like, with no nicotine so if you like the flavour, but without nicotine, then your laughing.

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:59

No, the liquid has no nicotine in it. But I also have nicotine based flavours but as I use a variable voltage setup I tend to have the lower % based liquid.

Cloverleaf Publish time 26-11-2019 21:00:59

Why not ditch the 18% nicotine and just stick to the 0% flavour ones ?

Cloverleaf Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:00

So you intake no nicotine at all, ever ?

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:00

No sorry I had to edit my post. I still do.

leo79 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:00

I enjoy smoking (17 years) but realise that it's no good for me and after 2 years of giving up and starting again, are e-cigs a real alternative?
I enjoy a smoke but don't enjoy the health factors.

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