NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:00

I think they are but it pays to do some research into the kit to start with to see what's available and the draw backs to the different devices.
You will find a lot of suppliers have discount codes too or run promotions.
I started with a Screwdriver, then an eGo C before I then purchased a Provari with a Mark T repairable atomiser.
I'm very much into the drip tips as I find it's a better taste than a cartridge setup and as the atomiser is now a repairable one I simple have to replace the coil when needed which takes me 5 mins.
Im also finding it a lot cheaper in the long run compared to normal cigs.
Kits start fairly cheap but some are quite expensive. I think I picked up my eGo for about £40 in a promotion where the Provari is about £240 and the Mark T was £95 so there is quite a difference depending on what you want.

indianwells Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:00

I'm looking into getting a Provari. Where is the best place to buy? I looked at the ENjuice site and was impressed. If you don't mind me asking what is your full kit?

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:01

Got mine from ENjuice
I think they are the only UK seller for the Provari and the only thing I changed was the mains lead to the trust fire charger as I had a better mains cable which had a 3amp fuse fitted.
I went for the 18650 battery and the extending end cap with the Provari. Got 2 batteries for it as they take a few hours to charge a battery but they tend to last well.
The new version or the V2 can handle the lower resistance coils better. On mine if the coil has about 2.8 upwards I can set my Provari to vape at 6 volts but I tend to build a coil and then adjust the voltage to suit the taste and hit.

I then purchased the Mark T atomiser from Cloud 9 Vaping. It comes with some short lengths of pre wound coils in different thickness wires but I believe you can get the wick and wire from elsewhere if you wish.
I only got it for the drip tip but it comes with a tank conversion too but from what I have read it needs a bit of messing around to get the tank to work correctly at times but for dripping it's good.
Takes a bit to get to grips with replacing the coil and getting the amount of wire right for the resistance so I'm still learning that part. I've changed 2 so far, one read 3.2 and my last attempt was on the high side and read 4 but I just set the Provari at 6volts and got away with it. Next time I will make sure when using the thicker wire I have less coils.

Apart from the screwdriver and eGo that's my full kit. I'm not into collecting The devices and just plumbed for a kit that I thought would be good. I'm very impressed with the Provari but there is a lava tube for a lot less that does the same but I believe the voltage as you step up is not as accurate and the general build is not quite the same.

what I like with the Provari is it tells you the resistance of the coil, that's very handy to have built into the device.

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:01

As you can tell from my previous posts I'm a newbie with e cigarettes but I can tell you so far that after some trial and error I can honestly say that using my Titan tank is as close to smoking a real cigarette as possible without actually smoking one, and that's just by using the pre supplied cartridges. Once I get my different flavours and strengths delivered and with a little experimentation I'm sure that this tech will be the alternative to smoking tobacco for me.
I've tried quitting so many times over the years using various forms of NRT and abstinence but I've always fallen when in social situations involving alcohol, but with this I think it will not be the same issue.

I believe the key is to not just buy the 1st or cheapest e cigarette you see.
I purchased an e cigarette pack off Amazon a couple of weeks ago that came with a pack of cartridges. These carts were supplied with the machine and you could not change them for others or even change the flavour.
It was awful, smelling and tasting like a dirty chemical ashtray.
A little research and you can find some quality machines out there that you can mix & match to suit your tastes.

Grrrrrowler Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:01

I'm also a newbie to them. Bought a VGo cigarette 7 weeks ago and literally haven't touched a real cigarette since. And that's after smoking 25 a day for 15 years, so I'm really happy with my purchase.
My missus and my best mate have also switched to the VGo and given up.
If you're a smoker who wants to give up I'd recommend trying them.
I really haven't missed real cigarettes at all and to be honest I don't feel like I've given anything up.
The plan is to gradually reduce the nicotine content that I use until it reaches zero and then eventually to give up the e-cigs.
If you really want to quit smoking I'd suggest this route as a good (and money saving) starting point.

Axel40 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:01

I've been doing this *vaping* for a few months now. 2 words, Lava Tube. If you don't know what it is there a ton of reviews everywhere.

Far better than a puny e cig (though similar) and it's paid for itself many, many times over.
Variable voltage, any flavour I want, pretty much and I get that throat hit that is more important to me than anything

Well worth it, no nasty smoke smells and I can do it indoors.

It is a great alternative, I just cut the Nic quantity down as I go.

Best thing I ever did with regards smoking alternatives.

RottenFox Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:02

Where did you buy yours from ?

Axel40 Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:02

E-cig wizard.

I think there is a discount code that works but I can't find it.

OK, just looked. Code is 12.5 % discount and is: ECR69

Don't know if it works. E-cig seem OK I only had one prob ordering stuff, they took ages to sort it but pretty much been fine. Very fast delivery normally.

I'm looking into Provari soon but that costs more but these things really do work.

Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:02

So for clarification.

My Titan tank will have a short life span ditto the 510 CE2 XL Clearomizer Ultimate vaporiser I've just bought?

The Provari V2 can last for years as long as you change the battery every few months and the Mart T Atomiser can last years by replacing the element when needed?
Also the benefit of the Provari is it's adjustable voltage. What are the benefits of adjustable voltage on a e cigarette?

Sorry for all the questions but I'm Just trying to find out as much info before spending nearly 300 quid on the whole set.

RottenFox Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:02

More puff for your stuff, a very much stronger vape I would imagine.
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