JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:23

The Rok Star uses a tank I think? You fill up a chamber with liquid

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:24

Do you need an adapter to fit 510 stuff to the screwdriver?

DJSigma Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:24

Yep. You need a 901 to 510 adapter, which you can get for about 2-3 quid online.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:26

Think I may give it a go then 

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:26

Be a touch careful with the adapters. I am pretty sure they have them sorted now but one of my first adopters was faulty and it fried my SD which I had to replace.
I'm pretty sure it was some of the early batches that gave trouble but I also found on 2 replacements from TW that one adaptor had a very poor thread.
The signs for a poor adaptor was the middle section would spin freely.
The result from the poor adaptor was both springs to either side of the battery collapsed and even when I tried to carefully pull them out it never worked again.

Saying that the replacements have been perfect apart from the thread so don't be put off by what I said but it's worth being a touch careful as the SD has no electronics to prevent damage and relies on the springs as protection.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:27

Would you advise using something that takes the 510 fitting then?

Like Lava Tube or something else?

NewfieDrool Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:28

No, the adapters should be fine but it's just worth checking them just in case as they are mass produced and sometimes the odd bad one appears. Since the faulty adaptor and apart from the not so good thread my SD has worked fine with one fitted and a tank.
I believe I had one of the early adapters when they first introduced tanks to the SD and at that time a few had the same problems.

The SD is a nice kit and pretty reliable but unlike the VV mods or the mods with the fancy batteries the voltage drops on the SD as the battery drains. The lava tube If I remember rightly holds it at a constant so if you vape at 3.8 it should hold it at 3.8 until the battery needs charging. This way you get a uniformed puff if you like.

The other thing is with a lava tube you can set the voltage to how you like to puff be it throat hit, taste and so on. I tried a low resistance atomiser on the SD but found in general it was to harsh for me and the LR ones don't tend to last as long.

I've also found that with a VV mod I prefer the lower nicotine liquids. I find they give me a better taste of flavour and are not so harsh.

Grrrrrowler Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:29

I find with the lava tube that the 'hit' does indeed remain constant. I was using a vgo and whilst it's very good, and I'll continue to use it when I'm out and about, I found that the 'hit' reduced as the battery ran down. With the LT you don't get this, and as Newfie says you can adjust it so that you get a bigger hit. I tend to use a lower voltage at the start of the day and crank it up as and when I need to.
I'm sure I'd have been fine to stick with the vgo, but as with so many others on here, I suffer from 'upgradeitis' lol. Still worth every penny IMHO.

JDCFH Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:30

Can anyone recommend where to buy a lava tube from, one of those little USB jobbies and some cartomisers please?

I've only ever dealt with rok universal and as i'm spending quite a bit want it to come from someone reputable.



Bill Hicks Publish time 26-11-2019 21:01:31

I've always bought my stuff off of Totally Wicked. Their site is fairly easy to navigate and their delivery is fast, but you will pay delivery charges.
Liberty flights on the other hand have free deliveries but their site is harder IMO to navigate and can be a bit trickier.



It appears that Totally Wicked don't sell Lava Tubes, but they sell cartomisers etc.
Liberty Flights sell the Lava Tube VV in brushed steel & chrome for around £45.
Might buy myself one those while I'm thinking about it.

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