Ben-H Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:50

Ha Ha, i'd of took a point before K.O so i was happy with the result. Thats some strike tho, absolute rocket...Scored better myself;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP///yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7

MrFishfinger Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:50

Will be getting the new F1 and hope we can get some good race nights in as it is good fun
As for black ops 2 not unless someone pays me to play it or I develop some sort of brain aneurism .

Masked Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:50

I thought suffering from a brain aneurism was a prerequisite of being a Liverpool fan?


Next year you'll win the title eh Phil

MrFishfinger Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:50

You not managed to acquire a telephone capable    of touch yet mate

Masked Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:51

@ Phil

I have actually mate I installed touch Friday but had no idea who to add?

None of A2A apart from Cleve have been on PS3.

I'll get the new F1 game if you lot are getting it.

I'll prob buy Black Ops 2 to see what it's like.

It's been ages we need to find a game we can all play..... FIFA 13?

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:51

Not true, Phil, Smooth, Jim, Kyza and Myself are on a fair bit (well i have only been on a few times over the last few months) usually take a break in summer...

F12012 mate at least 8 of us getting that.. game mate, its great laugh and good fun on line, still competitive but in a totally different way.. comes out this friday

I will be getting BO2 as well... MW3 i stick on now and then when am bored

sannan06 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:51

Hoping to pick up F2012 this week and looking forward to taking a few people of the track

Craig8718 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:51

Not if I take them out first 

Just got my copy today 

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:51

So how many of us now have F1 2012? 6/7? I be on this evening lads - meant to be a seminar after work but not going now as weather is pants!!

Masked Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:51

It would be good if some you come on MW3 some time there are loads of new maps, the 3 that came out on Wednesday play really well. 2 of them are pretty small, all on on level and remind me of WAW maps in terms of how they play.

I tried the demo of F1 2012, I don't think I'd enjoy TBH so didn't bother buying it. I got FIFA 13 instead to play career mode as a manager. Think I'm taking it a bit too seriously as I've started wearing a shirt and tie on match days.

Done some classy business though, I swapped Evra for Leighton Baines and a tenner.

Also did the same with Cleverly and swapped him for Feleini and a tenner.

David Moyes hasn't got a clue in this game.
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