StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:43

Turns out mine is RU, lol..

Agree with you about the game being great.I had one multiplayer game on my own and actually really enjoyed it.Quite tactical getting behind cover and moving together as a team.

Just really hope they get the issues sorted...

Should I be taking my RU game back and asking for an EU copy?

Craig8718 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:43

Don't think theirs any point returning it because as far as I can see, every copy distributed in the UK seems to be RU - haven't heard a single person say they have an EU copy so if you got a swap it would most likely be an RU copy anyway.

Can't see many retailers accepting an opened copy of a game back anyway without Ubisoft declaring a product recall.

Craig8718 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:43

After 11 days I finally got a reply from Ubisoft....they are looking into connectivity issues! Loving the game, but the sooner they get it patched the better because it will be awesome in a full squad. Lovely change of pace from CoD.

uzer Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:44

I personally found the campaign fun and addicting.Not story wise, but gameplay.You can customize your loadout (all the way down to triggers/muzzles) before each mission.The game was innovative with what was available, personal UAV being the main thing.Orchestrating sync shots to eliminate enemies was great.You can completely quarterback your entire team through a mission without ever firing a shot.

Or you could play like it was COD and just shoot the **** out of everything.

Either way, COD could take some pointers from Ghost campaign.I think the only improvement they could of made is given people first person option.

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:44

Any more news on this?

Think I'm going to hold on to the game on the hope that they fix the issues with being able to join people.

I'll put it back in the PS3 when I next see you online and try to join.

Craig8718 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:45

No patch as of yet but no ones really been online to try and connect to. I'll be on tonight at some point.

Masked Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:45


Long time.......................

Be back online at some point soon, really lost my appetite for gaming not sure why it just doesn't keep me gripped anymore sort of lost interest when everyone started playing different games.

Had a difficult month family wise but I'll always remember my dear old nans last words

"What you doing Jordan I can't even swim you cu....."

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:45

Alright fella, had been wondering where u had gone too.... think we have been mixing it up a fair bit between F1, Ghost Recon and COD - took a wee break from COD, but been back playing since downloaded all the new maps, so pretty good ones in there

Really liking the 2v2 3v3 maps - good fun and should be good fun schooling people in those game modes!!! 1v1 is good, but if u start smashing someone they always leave. Ended up playing a lad from down south over weekend, had 10 games, good player all very close games and adds a different dynamic to the game

Also we areall back using touch again mate so get back on that

Masked Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:45

I'll make an effort to get back online next week, have posted on A2A forum ref the meet up at Spud'u'Like Leeds as well.

I would happily get back on Touch if i had a smartphone, I've cracked the screen for the 2nd time this year and I really can't be bothered to spend another 100 notes on it as I get an upgrade in August anyway.

Be good if we could get a couple of hours in on MW3 I haven't played it for months with all the new maps ready to download I might actually enjoy it.

Lots of love

Auditor xxx

uzer Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:45

YOU are Auditor!?!?!?!?!?!?!? 
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