illmind Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:25

You say that Craig but according to Crouch it's something he does all the time in training  

I hope your boys maintain this form and finish fourth with Arsenal keeping 3rd spot 

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:26

It'd be nice but I don't think we'll do it..Think we've got the hardest run in (on paper) out of the 3 fighting for fourth spot.

Over the moon with a top 6 finish this season though (if we don't go and lose every game from now!!).

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:26

Any of you guys playing BF3?

Not been around in the chat for a while because I've lost / misplaced my iTouch..

Stuey1 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:27

I will do if I can find the disk

ryzer30 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:29

I had it but traded it in.. Should of really gave it more time TBH....

Been playing MW3 on Xbox of late, cant wait for Ghost Recon to come out, that looks class (porb take up my time in May anyway that will

StevePSIV Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:30

I really hadn't given the game any chance to impress me.I remember really liking it when it first came out.Then the inevitable happened when MW3 came out, every jumped ship.

Having got back into again recently I must admit I really like it.Was just hoping I'd be able to jump into a few games with you guys.

Ben-H Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:31

Tempted to re purchase a copy as i sold mine not long after getting it...Will def be up for some games when i get it.

Stuey1 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:32

I will join you for a few games tomorrow if you are on?

Im too busy with watching football tonight...

Kyzamoses plays this aswell

lee667 Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:33

never bought BF3, may keep my eyes peeled for a cheap copy to see what it's like. Don't really buy games any more to be honest.

Det Publish time 27-11-2019 00:34:34

Gotta say it makes for a great change of pace from CoD and once you get past the comm limitations with friends, it's great fun.
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