Mr Regan Publish time 27-11-2019 04:22:58

Thanks, so what budget should I be looking at for playing these on ultra. Is it the triple monitors or Rift that is more demanding.

ChuckMountain Publish time 27-11-2019 04:22:58

The triple screens say (or 1200) will end up requiring more oomph than the Rift which is 2160x1200 if Google serves me right.

You can't at the moment do triple monitor, ultra settings and a budget system.For £700 you are going to compromise and you may well compromise on a single screen system.

If your goal is to be ultra settings, frame rate >= 60fps and triple then you are realistically going to have to look at SLI possibly triple SLI with a 980 and above to give you the best options.

That's going to be approaching £1200 just for the GPUs alone possibly more if you go with the Ti's which given they have 6GB of memory may be more appropriate.

On top of that you have to have a base system to support it with the appropriate hardware including MB and power supply that can support it.Ideally you are looking for a high end processor probably a i7 socket 2011v3 which means you won't be getting change from £2000 just for the PC and GPUs.

Don't get me wrong you can get something for £700 that will play games and may do triple display but it would be like expecting to go round Nurburgring in a supercar only to find out you been allocated a Mini Metro and your lap time is measured in hours 

thekeemo Publish time 27-11-2019 04:22:59

Its about even if screens are 1080pp if they are 4k well then that's another matter and your looking into thousands of pounds.

Mr Regan Publish time 27-11-2019 04:22:59

Thanks, looks like I need to up my budget if a want something decent then 

eiren Publish time 27-11-2019 04:22:59

You could go for older motherboard and CPU - which would reduce a reasonable chunk without much performance impact but you are still looking at 2 x GTX980ti graphics cards to make sure you get the surround vision on max settings on the latest games.

Have a look at these though as they are awesome:

06G-P4-4995-KR EVGA NVIDIA GTX 980TiUK Price

thekeemo Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:00

1 980ti is enough. A fury is enough as well.

ChuckMountain Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:00

Not convinced by that... for everything ultra and high FPS for OP.

So as a test Grid Autosport will run at just about min frame rate of 60 and max of 84 @ 5760x1200 on my 980Ti on full Ultra.However something slightly more intensive like GTAV will run at approx 35-40 fps with some low as 25 depending on the scene with everything ultra.

As games will only get more intensive then it would be worth checking.

Though I guess get one high end Ti with capacity to SLI as a start if you want to save money.

Just be wary of cooling requirements.

Jimmi Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:00

I don't know if anyone can help here but I built a spec around the £400 build (except changing the H81M-K Plus with the H81I-K Plus available at the time). The thing is I've been unable to solve an issue with the ethernet. Basically fully shutting down the PC (not stand-by, hybernate) leaves an orange blinking light on at the back of the ethernet ports despite being in full shutdown mode. In other words it is not shutting down 100%. According to the manual an orange blinking light indicates the system is ready to wake from S5 (full shut down), but I can't figure out why it won't shut down completely. I think I've been through most of the obvious bios wake on lan options and disabled them and even tried enabling eco modes but nothing appears to be shutting off the system completely (except pulling the plug). Just wondering if anyone else here has this issue or if anyone knows what can be done to fix it. Could it even be a PSU issue or something that needs changing with the jumpers? Any help would be appriciated.

ChuckMountain Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:01

That's normal behaviour. A pc even shutdown will stl have some juice on the motherboard, otherwise it wouldn't turn on when you powered it up. This usually signals there is a network cable present

thekeemo Publish time 27-11-2019 04:23:01

Its not an issue this is standard. If you take a at a usb device like your mouse sometimes you will find its still lit. There will also be some LEDS on the board that are. Only way to fully turn it off is to flip the PSU switch or unplug it
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