chase4223 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:49

If you can get the latest Dawn of war games cheaply on steam then you have a good game to play.

chrism_scotland Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:49

Currently playing F1 2010 and Mass Effect on my gaming pc but also playing GTA San Andreas, Harpoon Classic, Half Life 2, Galactic Civilizations and Football Manager 2008 on my netbook!

cabidge red Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:50

Just finished Medal of honour playing cod black ops

mozza54 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:50

At the minute I've been playing black ops (which will stop when Ive completed it), Bloodstone, Force Unleashed II and Ive got back into the Modern Warfare II Multiplayer

pacoman Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:50

playing starcraft 2 at the moment. love a really good rts game

Ishiot Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:50

I'm currently playing:

F1 2010;
The Movies (With Stunts and effects expansion) Top game if you ask me
Mass Effect 2 (barely but playing it)
Last but not least Age Of Empires: Rise Of Rome (My favourite out of the series)

Been looking for a good Sci-fi game to catch my eye but nothing has as of yet, anybody got any recommendations?

IL Cattivo Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:50


Arthur Hucksake Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:51

Just bought Crysis, get to play that for the first time. Look forward to it.

RockSteddie Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:51

Had crysis when it was first released but my old laptop could never do it justice so I didn't bother playing it.Recently got my self a gaming desktop and can now run it at ultra settings and loving it 

BSNismo Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:51

Dirt2 again on the PC, i am gobsmacked how different it looks on the nVidia it looks alot crisper for some reason and not sure why? I maxed it with ambient occlusion etc and maxed the AA to the max AA which was some weird 8XAACFA... setting in game and it just looked stunning, maybe it's the DX11 not sure but it looked very different to the 4870X2 IQ wise.

And Geometry Wars 2 on the 360, i don't think i have ever played a more addictive and tense game in my life and easily one of the best games ever made!

It looks stunning aswell the later you get into it and i dion't think i have ever hammered a game as much as i have that.
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