WildeKarde Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:08

Just getting around to playing Mass Effect. 

Also got Dragons Age - Origins which I stuck on for a quick look and lost 2hrs doing the starter quest.

Really need to spend some more time on Mass Effect though and I seem to just get sidetracked for the main plot.

irgsefton Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:09

Borderlands and Metro 2033.

Michael Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:10

TF2. But I never really stop playing it 

L4D2. Playing through the story mode whenever the rest of the friends I bought the game with are online. Currently just finished the first level 

Synergy. Free 12-player co-op through all the HL2 games and expansions.
Enormous fun with headsets and the right people.

GhostBusters. Enjoying immensely, despite lack of multiplayer.

I've played Borderlands for 23 minutes. I really should go back to it...

smitsa Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:11

Gaming HTPC.
Assassins Creed 2. Really enjoying this despite the pain in the backside DRM.Masses to do and see with a really nice graphics engine.

GTA 4.
Decided to run through this again on the big screen since upgrading my HTPC,previously played it on my gaming PC with 24inch Dell monitor,the game really comes into its own on the 70inch SXRD.

Gaming PC

Loads installed but not really into any of them at the moment apart from the occasional foray into Dragonage Origins.


Red Dead Redemption

Loving this,very addictive and satisfying game to play imo,the voice acting in the cut scenes is so well done it's almost like watching a high class movie.A PC version with improved Graphics and framerate would be superb,apparently Rockstar are infact working on a PC version,lets hope it's better optimised than GTA 4 originally was.

Hey Razor! How is the SXRD mate? Still loving mine 2 or is it 3 years on? Have you changed your bulb yet? still on the first one myself but I'm getting the message 'change the projector lamp as it is nearing the end of its life' each time I switch on. Have been getting the message for months but the bulb keeps on working o.k,reckon i'll leave it until it goes completely.

CraigofScotland Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:12

Online only.Just look for a map that has like PB or paintball in the name.

Its bloody excellent it is.

JustinJ004 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:13

Just finished Red Dead (my game of the year so far) and am currently playing:

Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead Just the single player at the mo.

Crysis I will finish it this time!

UFC Undisputed 2010 on the Xbox.

Napoleon Total War Just an awesome game I don't think I will ever tire of.

Also dipping in and out of Bayonetta but it's so intense I can't play it for more than an hour at a time. 

drskhaled Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:14

borderlands, i just cant stop playing. Allready have a couple of lv 50characters on 360 i recently got this cheap on steam and allready have a lv 51 siren. The hook is so simple weapons, bazillions of weapons.

got a whole bunch of other games on steam sales as well but theyre not getting much of a look in. Even the excellent read dead on ps3 is on hold. Will have to install red faction at some point, sound like fun.

Pinky Floyd Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:16

Same here, level 28 siren and can't stop playing 

asimmd Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:17

Sniper:Ghost Warrior was very good,not the boring same thing over and over.

Yes,the missions end up with you shooting someone,but the tension as to whether you will make it past the guards is good.

One thing,if you keep setting the alarm off,you are going the wrong way,AI is not brilliant,sometimes the guards appear to be looking straight at you but they don't see you.

I played it first time on Easy,now to try normal.

Oh and if you are really stuck,there is a brilliant video walkthrough on the net,it plays through each of the 15 stages,shows you which way to go but it still leaves you to do it,excellent.


mrbobc Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:18

ive played fm10 for only a few hours total in the last month or so. really not had the time to get into games and ive actually found myself wanting games to be shorter so i can get into them. mass effect 2, sins of a solar empire, dragon age an gta4 are all too daunting atm  and ive had them since release.

did complete mirrors edge and make a start on torchlight but i need more time godammit 

theres got to be a way i can wangle some time off work to get into more gaming, maybe a broken leg or something would help  
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