Member 328449 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:26

Saint's Row 2. Silly version of GTA really. Very enjoyable.

Razor Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:27

Singularity - Just started this game and so far it reminds me a bit of Bioshock with prettier graphics.
Halo Reach (360) - Finished this the other night. What an excellent campaign. I love Halo.
Halo 2 (pc) - I was still in the Halo mood so I bought Halo 2 for the pc. I have already completed it a few times on the original xbox many years ago.
Mafia 2 DLC - I am working my way through the short challenges.

Games I am looking forward to - Dead Rising 2.

SparkShot Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:28

Playing through the Halo Reach campaign myself (on heroic difficulty) up to chapter 7 but really enjoying it so far.

Probably my favourite halo single player since the first.

Will move onto F1 2010 next.

Razor Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:29

Reach is excellent isnt it, the game is so cinematic. I would agree with you that its the best single player Halo game since the very first.

I wish they would bring Reach and Halo 3 out on the pc. 

Member 328449 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:29

I'm now doing the first Mass Effect. It's alright although I would like more battling and less talking.

SparkShot Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:30

That would be nice.

I must admit playing a fps at 30fps again was slightly jarring at first.

Still its not to bad i suppose considering the hardware its running on, some nice little touches like all little battles you can see going on far in the distance.

chrism_scotland Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:31

Been playing Bad Company 2 on my new build gaming PC, not really had much chance to play 

Planning on getting F1 2010 next as quick shots of Grand Prix 4 have whet my appetite!

Been playing Red Alert 2 and Worms 2 on my new HP Mini 311 netbook!

BSNismo Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:32

Also playing through Halo Reach and really enjoying it and would love to see it running on a PC with 60fps and better visuals. Think some of the visuals are pretty dam good actually but is let down by an eratic framerate but still a class game. Been playing it more online though tbh, love the big team battles!

Razor Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:34

I thought they did an ok job with Halo Reach compared to the last Halo. There is some AA present (looks like 2xAA) in Reach and there was none in the last Halo and graphics are ever so slightly improved. The frame rate did drop a few times but on the whole it was better than I thought it would be.

Bungie did a good job with Reach and it looks like they squeezed the 360 hard to get what they did.

I would give Halo Reach a solid 9/10 

eiren Publish time 27-11-2019 05:22:35

Got that Singularity and played an hour or so of it and am enjoying it. Fun game so far.

One game I've got recently when it was released was Darksiders for the PC. I absolutely love this game!

It's a really good God Of War type game, massive levels, excellent graphics despite being a console port, and has a great story.

Would thoroughly recommend anyone who likes God Of War type games to get this. Runs beautifully on Fermi 

It's big as well. I am 8 hours in and not even half way yet.
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