aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:53

Notice how they just compared ray-tracing performance, and not actual real world comparison.

They were basically showing graphs comparing a card designed for one purpose, against a card not designed for that purpose.It will be good to see some actual real world comparisons in the coming weeks.I'd like to know, for example, how powerful, if anything, a 2070 is in comparison to my 1080 with games not using RTX tech.

MikeKay1976 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:54

Wow £1049 (from overclockers). I have the cash but part of my enjoyment is got from feeling ingotba fair price. I will have to see benchmarks but my feeling right now is sod off Nvidia

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:54

So who’s preordered? What’s @boltlock up to these days? 

Also £700 to £1050 how can they justify a 50% price increase?! Perhaps because they didn’t release anything new last year they decided they needed to jack the prices up because everyone obviously would have saved up for an extra year and wouldn’t mind .

Based on Quattro specs the top model was only 16TFlops to the 1080Ti’s 14TFlop a minimal 2TFlop increase which is probably why they aren’t saying anything on current game performance.

kilobulb Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:54

It's even worse for the 3rd party cards. MSI Gaming X2180ti is £1159.99 at scan. I paid around £680 for the 1080ti version back in April 2017. That's near enough a 70% price increase and well over a year later. I hope those RTX features are as easy to implement as they made out.

psikey Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:54

The 2080 card at £715 (cheapest I've seen) is in line with US stated prices but 1080 Ti looks .... woW price.

As for in game petformance, didn"t the infiltrator test show 78fps 4K (not sure if 2080 or 2080Ti) where 1080Ti gets about 30fps ?

jjgreenwood Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:54

Ordered the cheapest 2080 the gigabyte one. Hoping it’ll be quick enough for raytracing on my 60htz 3440x1440 display, suspect the ti is for the 4K/high refresh rate people.

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:55

When both were using Ray Tracing, yes.But the 1080Ti is not designed for Raytracing, whereas the 2000 series is.

psikey Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:55

So, is the Ti worth the premium over the normal 2080?

Will both likely do all current games maxed at 4k/60?

Which card brands best these days? Normally use MSI.

jjgreenwood Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:55

I doubt you will get value for money buying anything other than the cheapest

sykotik Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:55

Very had to say at the moment , as their are no benchmarks to go on ,
but going off this vid (below - which he just guessing), but does make a point ,

if a game doesn't have ray- tracing built into the game , then yea the 2080/ti"should " and hopefully hit 60at 4k)- that's me guessing
but !
if the game has ray-tracing( like shadow of the tomb raider will have ) the amount of processing powerit's going to take to run the game could have a hit on the FPS , and may not be able to run the game at 60fps 4k, and still may have to drop a setting or two to run at 60fpswith ray-tracing turned on ,

I hope he's wrong tho , ( in good sense - as i don't mind his vidz)

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