ODB_69 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:55

Had to pick up a 1070 when they first game out cause 1080s were gold dust and getting scalped lile crazy. Meant to upgrade but never got round to it

2080TI sounds interesting

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:56

I wouldn't expect much of a performance boost over the 1080Ti TBH and it's not like the 2070 is bringing down the price of entry to 1080Ti levels of performance by much.

If all we are going to get is the occasional title with bolted on ray traced shadows or reflections which only these cards can run at a decent framerate then that insane price premium for essentially the same type of HTFS, VXAO, Physx additions in a few titles really isn't going to be worth it.

Seems like by the time they use ray tracing for more substantial visual upgrades these cards won't be fast enough to that well or have the right features and will only be as good as the budget cards in 5years. It's like the early 4K TV's which didn't have HDMI 2.0 so can't actually play 4K content from discs or support any of the other big features of HDR or decent coverage of WCG.

It's the first step but until I see proof it's actually going to be widespread and look miles better (their videos didn't show anything impressive in real titles IMO) it looks more like a proof of concept.

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:56

Don;t forget also that Ray Tracing is just a toggle, like Hairworks or their fancy shadow system (PCSSS or something).It is a very big premium to pay for what could just end being prettier lighting.

jjgreenwood Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:56

20% more shaders, slightly higher clock speeds, presumably improvements in ipc along with the tensor cores, RTX units, and faster memory system. I’ll be surprised if the new ti isn’t significantly faster than the old one.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:56

I suspect performance will be on par with the nearly year old Titan V which is ~25-30% faster. If it was miles faster in raw performance let’s not pretend for a second Nvidia wouldn’t have pumped out a ton of slides showing it with 2x the performance in games we actually play now!

jjgreenwood Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:56

Lol Titan V makes 2080ti look like great value for money. Perhaps they did stick to the product plan after all and it was 2080 and 2070 that are just late.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:57

I hope you’re joking 

moonbeam120 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:57

Got this link via email from ebuyer. Cheap Nvidia Graphics Cards GeForce Shield Low Prices UK Deals


Bretto Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:57

WAY too much for what I think is going to be too little a gain.
My 1070 was bought a just over a year and a half ago, I'll need a good 80-100% increase for me to fork out for another card......
The current ti only gives me 50% at the VERY best.

Let's see what real World benchmarks say.

mark6226 Publish time 27-11-2019 05:40:58

Nvidia are taking a risk here. Utilising the new tech is entirely dependent on gane devs incorporating it into their products
I'd they don't then it's dead tech.
Why would devs spend a small fortune on a tech in games that sell poorly compared to console and are very prone to piracy
This tech requires the devs to spend more and make less or charge more for pc games.
The tech looks potentially super but we won't know until the games are out. Demos don't count
The cards will be very difficult to assess Unitl there are games with the tech
We shall see what we shall see
Also only the ti has 11gn vramWhat about current ganes that require over 8gb?Will they run?
The 8gb 2070 and 80 are reported as being more powerful than the 11gb 1080ti.
Therefore they should run games such as origins and 4k modded gta 5 at 2160p maxed out better than the 1080ti.
As both these games require more than the vram limit of these two new cards, how will they run them?
It's a basic yet fundamental question.
I am surprised that only the 2080ti has 11gb vram.
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