majnu Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:52

Dear Ubi

Please don't fudge this up


*Blown away by the trailers*

ohh_danielson Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:52

Looks fantastic must say!
But yeah, even though I think watchdogs in general looks great (although now we know why most of the watchdogs vids we saw were at night), we know it wont look as good as is shown in these vids!

Let the hype begin!

Cha1ky Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:52

The vid i linked is a CGI video so no way it'll look that good but a superb video either way. Cant wait for more on this.

Furnace Inferno Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:52

I think after the showings of the PS4 version of Watchdogs which had terrible framerate   tearing after a downgrade from the original reveal it was obvious when it got delayed 6 months it was to downgrade everything further to get it running decently.

So far this hasn't changed much other than the omission of decent AA which is to be expected on consoles and it doesn't have terrible performance.

Singh400 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:53

Remember how awesome Watch Dogs looked when it was first showcased? This is where The Division is at now. Watch Dogs as it was released, is nothing like the show cased version. Another delay doesn't bode well for The Division, I hope they don't gimp it like they did Watch Dogs.

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:53

To me new games are now being held back by developers still supporting X360 and PS3, things will only get better if they drop these versions and use the resources on the next gen versions to make sure they are better optimised

Hopefully with newer games the developers will start to get more out of the consoles and be more familiar, but PC users are still going to suffer, even though PC gaming has grown

alphaomega16 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:53

I got one big hardon for this game, its the first game in a VERY long time ive been excited about being released.

They better not fudge it up.

DJ_Bucho Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:54

I'm looking forward to this game more than any other game since erm Gran Turismo 5 for the PS3. I REALLY hope Ubisoft don't knack this up and do another Watchdogs. The one small glimmer of hope I have, is that this is only for Next Gen Consoles and PC, so no PS3 and xBox 360 versions. Meaning hopefully they can use the full power of those consoles and that 'should' make all the difference..... hopefully (crosses fingers)

DeanE Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:54

I would rein in your expectations a little to be honest, I know I certainly have after it's initial debut trailer, it's more a case of 'expecting the worse, hoping for the best' now 

Fingers crossed.

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:54

I think this is quite appropriate after what happened with Watchdogs


And what has been posted here, i really hope this isn't true for the PC version

The Division locked at 30FPS, FPS has trade off for graphical fidelity
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