Tom Martow Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:55

Game will be gimped, of course it will.

This time though if they downgrade it they won't leave the settings inside.

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:55

I wouldn't be too sure Tom, its Ubisoft and i don't think they are the sharpest tools in the box

They had 6 months to better hide or remove the settings from watchdogs and didn't

Tom Martow Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:55

Yes and look how people have reacted, we don't know why the files we're just turned off and left out in the open.

Regardless of what Ubisoft says though there is an obvious downgrade, it's all been proven with what people are finding.

They'll hide the settings in future.

DeanE Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:55

If that is done for the console versions, fair enough, but I agree, I really hope they don't enforce that on PC owners.

Foster Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:56

They have no excuse to gimp the PC version.

Bigbud Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:56

Shame they already have, rumour of course but UBIsoft are on the slippery slope again.

PC lead platform my arse

Rumor: The Division Has Already Been Downgraded Visually | DSOGaming | The Dark Side Of Gaming

aslird Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:56

Sigh, once again consoles are trying to hold back PC gaming 

Tom Martow Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:57

Well, obviously  (Not directed at you bigbud)

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:57

I found this part interesting

No sh*t sherlock, seriously is anyone with half a brain really misguided enough to believe that a £300-400 console is going to compete with a PC which cost 3 or 4 times as much and the publishers should dumb the PC version down so we don't upset the poor console owners

Come on alot of people have just a GPU which is worth about the same, without any of the other hardware

Trouble is the only way we have as PC owners to get through to these publishers is too stop buying PC versions, but they will just then say poor sales are due to piracy on the platform

vicious circle me thinks

alphaomega16 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:57

If this is true they do not realize just how many people they are ******* off.

If they do go through with this I wont end up buying a crappy console port and you lot know how much I have been looking forward to this.
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