Sinzer Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:58

Considerably fewer than those who buy their titles at 60 quid a pop for consoles.

It is all well and good getting upset, but it is simple economics. For every one PC overlord there are probably 10 console plebs who pay full price for the game. Not to mention that those on PC, quite often wait for sales, buy games from underpriced regions and have a large population who simply do not pay at all.

Why should Ubisoft invest in producing top notch games for the PC, when their bread and butter is the Playstation and Xbox. Most of the PC population cannot even begin to run at the settings, we would like to see, so why even invest in producing them. This is an enthusiast forum and makes up a very very very small percent of the gaming population.

It is not what we would like to see, but it should be what we expect, especially after years of it happening. You can still hold out hope for Witcher 3, I think CD Projekt will deliver. Don't expect anything from Ubisoft.

Razor Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:58

Ah fudge em....

Hawklord Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:58

It is very frustrating being a PC gamer when this kind of thing happens. We invest a lot of money on hardware that will trounce any "next gen" console yet most of the titles are not developed to take advantage of it.

I sometimes feel I would be better off saving the money and just buying an Xbone or PS4. 

being an old fart (48 on the 26th June) I probably have more disposable income than some so could afford both, but, I just wish that developers would take the enthusiasts market a bit more seriously. Otherwise what is the point of AMD and Nvidia developing further hardware. The progression of graphics has always driven the market for graphics cards, but, if developers do not make use of the new technology what is the point of hardware manufacturers trying to push the envelope further.

Tom Martow Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:58

Do the manufacturers push hardware though?

Sega Mega Dave Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:59

I'll be honest lately it's made me wonder if i can be bothered with PC gaming.

I could simply sell my rig and all the pereipherals, sell a couple of expensive game accounts and have a nice amount in the bank still left after buying a console.

We either get sub par versions or nothing at all. Plus that French dick sounds like a whiny little sh*t whenever i hear him on Ubi conferences.

Hawklord Publish time 27-11-2019 21:57:59

If manufacturers didn't release better tech each generation we would all still be playing pong. Sure software developers contribute by using the technology provided. My gripe is the hardware is still available for them, but, they will not use it to it's full potential. Again PC gaming is being knee capped by an inferior platform imo. The next gen consoles are hardly "next gen" they are comparable to a 4 year old gaming PC.

alphaomega16 Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:00

They think piracy is so rampant on PC, ok maybe it is easier on the PC but if they keep pulling **** like this people are not going to pay full whack for half arsed console ports.

DeanE Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:00

.. which you would then sell the week after.

Tom Martow Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:00

Or most likely smash

holtehero Publish time 27-11-2019 21:58:00

As i said previously, i think its a vicious circle

The publishers think for whatever reason the PC isn't such a viable platform (Economies of scale, piracy) as the Consoles, also even if a developer wants to include new things on a PC they, are then asked to be removed due to fear that they will upset console owners who realise their new toy isn't really "next-gen" and is 2 or 3 year old tech

The hardware manufacturers (Intel, AMD and Nvidia) currently have no real pressure to push on the performance significantly as hardly anybody is pushing the envelope in terms of engine, in fact the reason for things like Mantle coming about is really so the consoles can perform better as they have dated CPUs

In the past PC Games were always the driver for new technology and performance leaps, even when things like the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 arrived, when AAA titles were delivered on all platforms most people knew the PC version would be superior due to the fact that the platform is never static and in the 5-10 years a console generation lasts, PC's have likely gone through a similar number of tech evolutions.

The only way publishers will change this thought process, is if nobody buys their titles which are gimped and also if the developers stand their ground
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