jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:01

Unfortunately not. Plugs are designated by the manufacturer as “plugs”. I’m sure there is a way to adjust them using something like HABridge but it’s beyond me at this moment in time

boggycreek Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:01

So we all turn tv's off at the wall to save electricity but these smart devices are always on so they can listen for a "switch on" signal.

I checked with one manufacturer a couple of years aga, their smart socket took a standby current that was very slightly MORE than the tv (on standby) that I wanted to control.

Besides, we are all far too sedentary these days, this kind of tech just puts one more nail in the coffin.

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:02

I always switch everything off at the socket but I got fed up going round my cinema room turning every device on (and off)
It may be seen as laziness but it is great opening the door and saying activate the projector and everything, including the sockets and mood lighting, powers up and the tray opens waiting for the disc

jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:02

Agreed, if they use more power than the devices in standby it makes no sense.

That said it’s generally the. Sweat of devices that do so and in one of my cases, my Sonos devices use more power than most smart plugs and with 15 of the things it certainly makes sense to power those down at night and when away for anything more than a few hours.

Stevie G Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:02

That is such a shame, at those easlier proposed prices they could have cleaned up if it's a reliable product. I like the idea of having the control at the switch though. We use Hue but not in our spot lights. We'd need something like 40 GU10 bulbs to do all ours with Hue bulbs in the hallways, lounge and dining room. To be able to change the controller in each room will be much more affordable.

mushii Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:02

We are about to have the kitchen extended. I will use hue for the LED strips but am going to get the sparky to drop neutrals to the light switch back boxes so that I can drop in Zwave modules. I did show the DEN products to SWMBO and she just looked at me with THAT look. So ZWave it is.

Desmo Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:03

They could also have gone bust.

jouster Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:04


As much as those prices would have been great, there will be a good reason why it’s not possible.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love a nice price but in truth, good products aren’t cheap.

Now we just have to wait to find out if they really are good products. Fingers crossed

mushii Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:04

I think the reason is that they are over £1,100,000 in the hole and need to be digging themselves out pretty quickly. Even at interest rates of 1% APR that is still a grand a month in interest alone, without paying any capital back, plus his staffing costs, manufacturing costs, shipping costs, advertising costs, distribution costs etc. etc. Pretty big debt for a 19 year old.

Lesmor Publish time 1-12-2019 21:28:05

Apologies for the off thread bump
Got my WeMo insight but it looks like it won't measure or calculate the cost below the <2W standby threshold
My RF sockets are supposed to consume 0.6W I was trying to determine if that was with the sockets switched on or on standby (No device plugged in)
I know this is minimal but once you start adding quantity it is useful to have accurate data
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